• Member Since 29th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm a typical brony, which is nothing out of the ordinary. I like to write MLP fanfics as well as chatting and discussing new fanfic ideas with other authors.

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  • TFellowship is Magic
    Something strange is happening in Twilight's palace. The magic mirror has started acting strangely during a period of intense solar flares, leaving her worried about what complications might occur. The next thing she knows, through a sequence of even
    Mr-War · 191k words  ·  467  23 · 17k views

Computer Crash · 2:38pm Sep 29th, 2017

Hello fellow readers... I'm sorry to say that my computer broke down, I'm trying to get it fixed but until then, my Fellowship is Magic is on hold for now. So sorry for the inconvenience. :fluttershysad:

(I'm typing this blog with my tablet)

Report Mr-War · 555 views · Story: Fellowship is Magic ·
Comments ( 169 )
  • Viewing 165 - 169 of 169

I hope we can get more stuff from yo

any updates from you?

Sorry. Busy with life.

Are you still there?

  • Viewing 165 - 169 of 169
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