• Member Since 20th Aug, 2022
  • offline last seen Dec 8th, 2023


Queen Chrysalis Rulez! Writing as a fun hobby! :)

Blog Posts

  • 85 weeks
    New Story Coming Soon!

    Hello everyone,

    I am here to announce I am planning to write another story featuring Queen Chrysalis in a more RPG Styled Story inspired by D&D, with a Mature Edge. Sorry for any long silence, for I have caught up in other projects away from writing on this site. I am considering dropping Snuggle Bug – The Brood Queen of Adult Cinema, as I have been unable to find time to continue it properly. I may even cancel it. If anyone wants to continue my pervious they may do so.:twilightsmile:

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    2 comments · 207 views

New Story Coming Soon! · 11:24am Dec 5th, 2022

Hello everyone,

I am here to announce I am planning to write another story featuring Queen Chrysalis in a more RPG Styled Story inspired by D&D, with a Mature Edge. Sorry for any long silence, for I have caught up in other projects away from writing on this site. I am considering dropping Snuggle Bug – The Brood Queen of Adult Cinema, as I have been unable to find time to continue it properly. I may even cancel it. If anyone wants to continue my pervious they may do so.:twilightsmile:

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Comments ( 5 )
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Comment posted by Rob_Rhapsody deleted Dec 18th, 2022

This Month is gonna busy with new stories coming later as I'm back in study with exams/tests coming in a couple of weeks. Sorry if updates are gonna be. Also remember I'm just hobby writing for fun here.

It does, its gonna be fun. I got plenty of good ideas for my story is going to go. Be sure to keep an eye out for any new chapters from my story.:pinkiesmile::raritystarry::twilightsmile:

Felt it has potential togo many interesting ways

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