• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen April 21st


Hello! I am an aspiring fanfiction author and have begun to start writing MLP fanfics. I am a fairly new writer so any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is helpful!


Hiatus · 10:18am Jan 3rd, 2019

Hello, my fellow writers and readers. If you are reading this, then that means I'm going on a short break. So much is getting in my way that I have neglected my two best crossover series and I apologize for that. I will get to adding new chapters and more content into my stories; but as you may guess, writers have blocks they need to break down. So, until then I may only ad a few words here and there and chapters there and yonder. I have many other great ideas for other stories, but I must find

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Report Shy_Guy_Animat0r · 394 views ·

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Thanks for the watch and fave, hun!

thank you so much for the first follow! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::yay:

2040842 ...consider this a bonus for asking for help. :pinkiesmile:

  • Viewing 136 - 140 of 140
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Hiatus · 10:18am Jan 3rd, 2019

Hello, my fellow writers and readers. If you are reading this, then that means I'm going on a short break. So much is getting in my way that I have neglected my two best crossover series and I apologize for that. I will get to adding new chapters and more content into my stories; but as you may guess, writers have blocks they need to break down. So, until then I may only ad a few words here and there and chapters there and yonder. I have many other great ideas for other stories, but I must find

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Report Shy_Guy_Animat0r · 394 views ·

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