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MyOwnNameWasTaken follows 3 users
1359298 Sadly, my writing process is slow at the best of times, and I've been very busy with a new job that has long working hours.
I do have ideas and partial outlines for several different fanfics, one of which is a continuation of Contact. It'll take me a little longer to get even the first chapter of any of them up, sadly.
Have a little more patience, please!
So you were here one day ago, but the last time you made a story was around 90 weeks ago. Any plans for a future Fic? Preferably FlutterDash?
It's a bit of a joke. I hate coming up with Internet "handles," and would rather just use my name. Only, when I signed up for a YouTube account, my own name was taken, so I had to think of something. Then it hit me.
I used the same handle when I signed up to DeviantART and Fimfiction.
Kind of a stupid question but was your own name really taken?