• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday



Dissonance 600 views · 2:00am Nov 15th, 2020

Well, it it's not much, but still a milestone.

Yay :pinkiehappy:

Report Braininthejar · 206 views · Story: Dissonance: A Hidden World ·

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DM Currently. I'm doing a home brew too, so I'm trying to learn about the established systems. I have a channel for all types or RPs. If you GM would you mind coming in and giving it a shot. I'm low on GMs right now.

Love me some D&D. You play or DM?

I was just dropping by but it looks like you've got some interesting stuff I put on my reading list. I'll look at them tomorrow if D&D reschedule falls though.

It was a gift. The first time I joined a group to work on a project, I used to have a "Spike in a viking helmet" avatar - and I usually started conversations by asking the time because the people's time zones were all over the place. Mindblower than commisioned a group picture for us as a christmas gift.

Are you my reader, or just randomly dropping by?

Just stopping by to say your avatar looks awesome. Hazaa

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Dissonance 600 views · 2:00am Nov 15th, 2020

Well, it it's not much, but still a milestone.

Yay :pinkiehappy:

Report Braininthejar · 206 views · Story: Dissonance: A Hidden World ·

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