• Member Since 6th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 26th, 2017



I just noticed... · 1:18am May 3rd, 2013

I've only just realized, five months after creating her, that my OC is pink and blue, and I'm transgender.

Report Keeria · 627 views ·
Comments ( 15 )
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Sorry about leaving. My computer crashed and I decided to just give everything a break until I could get a new one. I'm back now; thanks for thinking about me! :twilightsmile:

Yo, lady, were are ya? You been gone a while now!

K i like you, you getting stalked:pinkiecrazy:

Thanks! I worked pretty hard to come up with an OC I liked, and a good friend drew it for me. I'm very happy with how she came out. :twilightsmile:

The OC in your profile is fucking adorable.

Seriously you want to give me a hea-HHHHHHNNNNG!

Yeah joke is done to death, but fuck she's cute.:heart:

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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