• Member Since 29th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen July 17th

King of Kings

In order to see what Incomplete, On Hiatus, and especially Canceled stories do to me, copy this link into a new tab on your computer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyDbfCbQnH8

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So, this is what I've been up to... · 12:31am Mar 6th, 2018

So I was lazing about on the web, like I do, when I ran across this piece of genius.

Somebody get on continuing with this, and I will continue my story!

Comments ( 85 )
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I am one hour 18 minutes into what if Deku was Bane.

Comment posted by King of Kings deleted April 8th
Comment posted by King of Kings deleted April 8th
Comment posted by King of Kings deleted April 8th
  • Viewing 81 - 85 of 85
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So, this is what I've been up to... · 12:31am Mar 6th, 2018

So I was lazing about on the web, like I do, when I ran across this piece of genius.

Somebody get on continuing with this, and I will continue my story!