• Member Since 7th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen May 16th


"you take away my world, I take away yours."

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Update after Disappearing · 7:57am Dec 30th, 2017

I must apologize to you all for disappearing from this site for...umm 1? 2 & a half years? I don't know really, anyway I've gotten caught up In my shity job, watching Rwby, keeping an eye out for new transformers figures, watching Fate anime, the list goes on. I just am not into MLP like I used to.

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Report Shadowheart332 · 379 views ·
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Thanks for the fav on the Avengers: Infinity War crossover! Be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed the story, it helps a lot! :rainbowkiss:

Comment posted by James-Plasma deleted Apr 23rd, 2016
Comment posted by James-Plasma deleted Apr 23rd, 2016
Comment posted by James-Plasma deleted Apr 23rd, 2016
Comment posted by James-Plasma deleted Apr 23rd, 2016
  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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