• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 20th, 2022

Chaos Knux


Challenges: Make these ideas good and get a muffin! · 4:04am Sep 8th, 2013

I've decided to make a list of fic ideas I get, that I can't see myself ever really doing in any form of positive quality. Pretty much anything is up to the taker to decide, unless otherwise specified. This is just here to inspire.

Idea 1: Battletech
• I enjoy the BattleTech universe, mostly through MechWarrior 2 and 4: Mercenaries, and something about the idea of Rainbow Dash piloting a Shiva E, Applejack in an Atlas, and even Rarity piloting a precision 'Mech just... feels right.

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Report Chaos Knux · 478 views ·

OC Spotlight: Rosalina Dinkle Tart; AKA Rosy Pie · 7:33am Oct 20th, 2012

This is the first installment of OC Spotlight that is not using an OC of mine, but rather, a partner in my Roleplay group “MLP: Love is Miracles”. As such, there shall be a format shift: If the OC is my own, I’ll just put up a bio sheet and be done with it. If it belongs to another, a full on Summarize/Review blog will be written. This also means that any readers that want an OC reviewed in the spotlight need only send a pic, and provide bio information such as their cutie mark (if a

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Report Chaos Knux · 700 views ·
Comments ( 6 )
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Thanks a bunch for the Fave of Certain Advantages! I greatly appreciate it!:twilightsmile:

Many thanks for the favorite on Aces High! :yay::scootangel:

(Ahem)... watch me please.:ajsmug:

Choice is yours of course, but you know what I want.:twilightsheepish:

:pinkiegasp:OMG SAIMILAR AVATAR! ::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

No problem. When I actually get Sinceritate Argentum written... Just to mess with everypony, you have formal permission to take it as I put the chapters up, and cloppify it. :trollestia: We could call that the Unrated DVD version. :scootangel:

...You know, if you want to...:fluttershyouch:

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Challenges: Make these ideas good and get a muffin! · 4:04am Sep 8th, 2013

I've decided to make a list of fic ideas I get, that I can't see myself ever really doing in any form of positive quality. Pretty much anything is up to the taker to decide, unless otherwise specified. This is just here to inspire.

Idea 1: Battletech
• I enjoy the BattleTech universe, mostly through MechWarrior 2 and 4: Mercenaries, and something about the idea of Rainbow Dash piloting a Shiva E, Applejack in an Atlas, and even Rarity piloting a precision 'Mech just... feels right.

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Report Chaos Knux · 478 views ·