• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 3rd, 2023


A writer who writes things.


Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated · 11:44am Apr 3rd, 2023

Hello all,

Just got an email from Brony Soprano concerning my health (given that my last blog was about me getting Covid, I understand that some might be a bit jittery). Rest assured, I overcame Covid and am in good health lately (probably better health because I've started working out some).

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And this is why I play Tzeentch · 10:53pm Apr 18th, 2022

Well, after nearly two years of dodging and playing it safe, I've finally been "blessed" by Grandfather Nurgle's plague. I tested positive for Covid this afternoon.

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Cutting Room Floor · 1:50am Apr 10th, 2022

Hi all.

As a pseudo reverse belated birthday present, and as a means of getting some creativity flowing so I can keep working, I thought I'd share some bits, pieces, and ideas for Empress Returns that didn't make the cut. Granted, some are good enough I might come back to them, some aren't, but I wanted to share them with you all the same. So if you're into learning a little more about my thought process when it comes to writing, settle in and let me tell you more.

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April post is in April · 7:42pm Apr 5th, 2022

As of today, I am 27.

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Big news! · 7:11pm Dec 25th, 2021

I'm gonna be an uncle come July!

Rest assured the kid will be raised as a proper servant of the Emperor if I have anything to say about it.

Merry Christmas to you all :pinkiehappy:

Report iowaforever · 299 views ·

Burnout and other news · 12:27am Jul 30th, 2021

Just saw the news that If The Emperor had a Text To Speech Device is going on indefinite hiatus in light of GW's new crackdown on fan animations.

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Omake: Through The Eyes of a Spark · 2:03am Apr 24th, 2021

Angelique walked the halls of the ship, so familiar yet humming with the souls of countless she never knew or would know. The pillar was right behind her, the Hospitaller watching her every step in case the stimulus overwhelmed her, but Angelique was in no danger. In the presence of the mare and the prodigal, the tides had calmed around the young psyker.

How long that would last was not a question that entered Angelique’s mind. It was far too broken for that.

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Report iowaforever · 551 views ·

Annual April Post · 5:49pm Apr 17th, 2021

In ten days, I will have been on this site for nine years. I want to say that makes me part of the old guard or something, but there have been way more people who've been part of the fandom longer than I have.

That makes me... what? Slightly less than old but still pretty darn old guard? Second wave? Pretentious?

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Report iowaforever · 367 views ·

I believe I should be honest with you all · 6:22pm Dec 16th, 2020

This year sucks, but we all know that.

It has been pretty hard for me, to be honest. And I feel that, with how silent I've been, you have a right to know a bit of what's going on.

When I started this year, things were going great. I had plans to get a teaching license, both my wife and I had stable jobs, and we were getting involved with our new community. We both felt welcomed and accepted, and it looked like a good place to truly settle down.

Then Covid happened.

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Report iowaforever · 810 views ·

Omake: The Magic of Friendship · 7:29pm Jan 16th, 2020

Nigthmare Moon had managed to reach the castle before her sister's insipid student and her friends. That would give her all the time she needed to set her trap, and perhaps located the Elements of Harmony before the others did. The dark alicorn roamed the decrepit throne room, searching for the best place to lay in ambush for when the little ponies arrived.

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