Cinnamon Roll, the daughter of Applejack, is getting married to Gulliand, the nephew of Gustave Le Grande. Together, they will open a restaurant in Griffonstone...unless their families have anything to say about it!
A newly christened Queen attempts to reign in the changeling race and integrate them into pony society. Even though there are those who would prefer such an effort fail...
To save what remains of the Griffon Kingdom, Celestia is going to have to give them a new leader. Unfortunately for Gilda, she's the only one available for the job.
Prince Blueblood is convinced that Tempest Shadow is up to something, but getting her to confess will require drastic measures... involving flowers and candlelight dinners...?
On the longest day, on the thousandth year of Nightmare Moon's banishment the stars aid in her escape and the bearer of the Element of Laughter is nowhere to be found.
You know Cozy Glow. Irredeemable villainess, insane filly, terrible hair. If all those things are true though, why has a certain reformed tiaraed bully suddenly made it her life's mission to help the petrified pest?
One of the positive things about being enlisted in the Solar Guard is all the possible mares Rainbow Dash could chase after. A negative? The one she's really after is in the Lunar Guard, and she's pretty… batty.
Princess Luna and Trixie Lulamoon have both made mistakes in the past, mistakes that have made them outcast in Equestria. Now that Luna has taken Trixie as her student, they will work together to show Equestria their true potential!
Fluttershy is faced with the task of caring for King Sombra, this time without the protection of the Princesses. Will she be able to reform him, as she did Discord, or will his dark will overwhelm her?
With certain events starting to take place, Celestia and Luna have no choice but to attempt to reform Tirek. Unfortunately for Rarity, she's been the one chosen to take on the task.
I figured that it wouldn’t hurt to give you the link to this story I made, mainly considering you’re a member of the Ahuizotl group and because I’m interested in seeing what you think of it:
At the end of "Daring Doubt", Ahuizotl revealed after touching the Truth Talisman that he was a Jungle Guardian who was tasked with protecting the artifacts of the River Basin. However, was that really the truth he was spilling? Or somehow...a lie?
Thanks for the fav!
Thank you for adding “A Moment of Truth” to your one shot shelf. As well as for giving it a comment.
Can you give it a Like too?
Thanks. I'll take a look.
I figured that it wouldn’t hurt to give you the link to this story I made, mainly considering you’re a member of the Ahuizotl group and because I’m interested in seeing what you think of it:
- MLP: FiM
- Dark
- Sad
- Slice of Life
At the end of "Daring Doubt", Ahuizotl revealed after touching the Truth Talisman that he was a Jungle Guardian who was tasked with protecting the artifacts of the River Basin. However, was that really the truth he was spilling? Or somehow...a lie?Sorry about the thread I was trying to show you a while back. I deleted it, so you won’t be seeing it again anytime soon.
Thank you for the collect
You're welcome.
Thanks for adding my story to those libraries, much appreciated.