Equestria Noir Cases 11 members · 74 stories

A very convenient group to help easily organize all Equestria Noir stories and side stories written by jacoboby1 especially if someone is just starting out reading them!

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Hey, everyone! I'm probably a little late in knowing this but jacoboby1 won't be writing on this site anymore. They made a blog post about it if you haven't read it. Here's the link:
Blog Post
I'll keep this group open as they have stated that everyone can continue their stories if people want. I'm also going to create a fan story kind of folder.
I'm sorry I haven't been active much. Life has been pretty crazy lately.

You're welcome! I enjoyed them a lot so I figured that I should make a group for others to enjoy the stories too!

Thank you for the group I love this jacoboby1 stories.

Hey everyone! I made this group so it would be easy to find and read one of my favorite series by jacoboby1!

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