• Member Since 30th Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen Sep 10th, 2023


writer, cat lover, and autistic 25 year old. i love reading also.

About Me

Name: Fae

Sex: who knows

Age: 25

Birthday: Dec. 22

Location: USA

Heritage: Irish

Sexual Orientation: N/A

Relationship Status: N/A

Music: Anything

Drink of Choice: Juice

Future Goals: Become a psychologist or veterinarian

Where you can find more about me: Facebook, various pony forums, and fanfiction.com.

Political: I'm not political

Religion: Christian

Best Stallion: Braeburn

Best Mare: Rainbow Dash

Best Colt: Snips

Best Filly: Sweetie Belle

Best Super Hero: either Jesus or Batman or Spiderman

OTP: Fluttercord, the one with Octavia and Lyra, and the one with Pinkie and Pinkiemena


3 years!! · 8:24pm Jul 21st, 2021

oh wow. 3 years on here already. that's crazy

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