A massive thanks to Evehly for allowing us to use her pics for the group banner and icon. Check out more of her fabulous artwork on deviantart! ]
Like the idea of the Lord of Darkness with our dear Flutters? Then this is the group for you!
A group dedicated to celebrating and promoting SombraShy in all its facets. Come and chat or put your stories in the appropriate folders. Discuss, self-promote, share art and anything else you can think of as long as it's SombraShy related.
Awesome picture by llacky on deviantart.
1. Respect each other at all times and and in all situations. Don't go arguing with or hating on another person, group, story, or ship simply because you don't agree or like it. That's childish, and it WILL get you banned from the group.
2. No cursing or crude language is permitted. Just because you are comfortable with it does not mean everyone is. Let's be considerate of others and keep the threads everyone rated.
3. Tag all threads or they will be deleted. I ain't gonna put up with your laziness. It takes like two seconds.
For example, [Discussion] How did they fall in love?
4. Read the folders carefully! Put them in as many folders as are applicable, but make sure they belong in that folder before you throw it in there.
5. If you use artwork in ANY of your threads or comments, you WILL cite the author and link to them. I have a zero tolorance policy where that is concerned. Artists put a lot of love, time, and effort into their work. Using it without citing them is wrong.
6. Where stories are concerned, ALL story artwork should have permission from the artist to use it as a cover and a CLEAR citation. Actual permission, not you just citing them.
7. I really hope I don't have to tell you folks this, but, no foalcon or non-consensual sexual acts. There are special interest groups for those type of stories if that's your thing.
And that should do it. I hope you all enjoy the group and have fun.
You may note how Fluttershy, as well as Rarity, are immediately enamored with AU Sombra (from the comics). It may not technically be Sombra himself, but you can see that he is Fluttershy's "type".