• Member Since 29th Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Bride of Sombra

I’m an extremely weird pegasister who loves King Sombra. That’s about it.


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Blog Posts

  • 36 weeks
    Happy Birthday, Sombra!

    Haven’t posted in a while, but today is November 10, also known as the day “The Crystal Empire” first aired. As such, I headcanon this as Sombra’s “birthday.” Although I don’t believe in astrology, it’s kinda funny that he’s a Scorpio just like me!

    Happy birthday to my favorite Umbrum king! 🖤🖤 Love you, Sombra!

    0 comments · 99 views
  • 93 weeks
    King Sombra's Fantastic Movie 10: Sick Sombra

    King Sombra’s Fantastic Movie 10: Sick Sombra is a low-budget animated film and the tenth installment in the King Sombra’s Fantastic Movie series of films. 

    Plot: King Sombra comes down with a severe flu-like illness. Radiant Hope tries to get him to go to the doctor, but he refuses even though he becomes more and more ill and eventually reaches the point of delirium.

    Why This Film Will Make You Sick:

    1. Terrible, crappy animation.

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    0 comments · 180 views
  • 93 weeks
    King Sombra's Fantastic Movie 7: School Of Sombra (Warning: DISTURBING CONTENT)

    King Sombra’s Fantastic Movie 7: School of Sombra is a low-budget animated film. It is one of many sequels to the infamous King Sombra’s Fantastic Movie.

    Plot: One day, Sombra gets a letter in the mail, claiming he never actually got a proper education and as a result, needs to go back to elementary school. 

    Why This Movie Gets An F-

    1. It’s supposedly the 7th film in the franchise, but it was discovered before the sixth installment, “War of the Sombras” which makes no sense.

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    0 comments · 112 views
  • 93 weeks
    King Sombra's Fantastic Movie 4: King-Sized Cancer (Warning: GROSS)

    King Sombra’s Fantastic Movie 4: King-Sized Cancer

    Plot: King Sombra finds out he has a massive tumor growing in his stomach and that he needs to get it treated right away. But when it turns out the cancer can’t be cured, the normally arrogant equine dictator must come to terms with his own mortality and rethink the way he’s been living his life. 

    Why This Film Will Cause Cancer:

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  • 93 weeks
    King Sombra's Fantastic Movie 5: Hotel Sombra

    Plot: King Sombra decides to start his own luxury hotel, but he soon finds that running a hotel is much harder than he expected, and things only get worse when a rival hotel called Hotel Hope opens up nearby. 

    Why You Don’t Want To Stay At Hotel Sombra:

    1. Subpar animation as usual.
    2. Cringey voice acting, especially from Sombra.
    3. It goes on for way too long — its runtime is almost three hours.
    4. The title is stupid and a clear ripoff of Hotel Mario.

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    0 comments · 87 views

Happy Birthday, Sombra! · 1:23am Nov 11th, 2023

Haven’t posted in a while, but today is November 10, also known as the day “The Crystal Empire” first aired. As such, I headcanon this as Sombra’s “birthday.” Although I don’t believe in astrology, it’s kinda funny that he’s a Scorpio just like me!

Happy birthday to my favorite Umbrum king! 🖤🖤 Love you, Sombra!

Comments ( 120 )
  • Viewing 116 - 120 of 120

Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Just randomly self-promoting my work to get the story out there. Feel free to look at my other stories!

Thank you for reading friend!:twilightsmile:

Thank you for reading my story!

Happy Belated Birthday! 🎂

Sorry I didn't say it yesterday

No problem, I always love a good Sombra story.

Thanks for adding two of my stories! Hope you’ll enjoy them!

  • Viewing 116 - 120 of 120
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