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The New Fate of Sombra · 6:36pm Dec 16th, 2015

After checking out the latest issue of FIM's comic series involving Sombra returning with the help of his old love Hope. The final chapter to that arc has come and for those of you who have seen it answer me this, will this change your perspective on Sombra now or will you continue to remember him as he was in the cartoon?

Report Wildcard25 · 555 views · #Sombra

Question · 1:43am Apr 11th, 2016

I wish Hasbro would bring back Sombra but he has amnesia like Shadow the Hedgehog or something so he can't remember who he is or was.

Comment or reply your thoughts on this crazy idea. (No using it in a story without premission)


Does Emperor Sombra flow better than King Sombra? · 9:08pm Mar 29th, 2022

Since he ruled Crystal Empire once. Wouldn't it be better to call him Emperor.
Other than just calling him King.
It's a great title but we had a lot Kings already in Mlp.

Report Passion project · 102 views · #Sombra

Yet Another Somber Tale · 2:00pm Aug 31st, 2015

When Sombra was young, he was known as gifted but aimless, having no known aspirations or dreams. None who dared to ask came away with useful answer - the most honest they ever got was gloomy "No comment." Worried about the future of his firstborn, Umbra had decided to set up a test for his son. To this end, he laid out a bag of bits, a spellbook and a bottle of wine on the table, left a note to Sombra telling him to pick his present out of presented selection, and then hid in the next room

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Report Cytotoxin · 376 views · #Sombra

More Somber Tales · 7:16pm Jun 8th, 2015

Once upon a time, when Sombra was still a unicorn, but already a king, he called forth the eligible mares of the kingdom to pick himself a concubine. Many responded to the call, for Sombra`s descent into madness of evil wasn`t public yet, and many a mare thought herself worthy a royal mate, and he took full advantage of that, spending a whole day to pick the most beautiful out of them.

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Report Cytotoxin · 344 views · #Sombra

Another Somber Tale · 11:01pm Mar 27th, 2014

Once upon a time, early in his dark reign, king Sombra decided he would like a grand portrait of himself drawn. Sombra had already been dabbling in dark magic and his body bore the signs of that, but he remained mostly pony in mind. Ruthless pony, but nonetheless one that hated a lie. And so, he gathered painters from around his kingdom and proclaimed - "I desire a grand portrait of myself painted. The one who paints a portrait I`d like will be rewarded handsomely. However, if the portrait is

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Report Cytotoxin · 504 views · #Sombra

Old Som Peek · 3:16am Dec 7th, 2017

Thurnis here,
now i'm going to be gone for a little bit because of Holidays and all. But i am still working on Old Som!

Story: After a battle with the Princesses, a time drift opens and King Sombra is swallowed in. Ultimately bringing him 10,000 years into the future, where nothing and no one remains.

Here's a snip-bit:

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Report Thurnis · 285 views · #Sombra

A somber tale. · 7:45pm Aug 30th, 2013

One day, king Sombra called in his legate and said - "It is time to collect taxes. Gather up velites and go. Take everything valuable." Legate bowed and walked out.

Two days later, legate returned, bringing back a rich take. Sombra asked him - "Is that all? What were the ponies doing when you collected it?" Legate responded - "They cursed your name, your eminence." Sombra frowned - "Get out. They have more to take."

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Report Cytotoxin · 525 views · #Sombra

I watched the new ep (SPOILER ALERT!!!) · 1:55am Mar 27th, 2016

I loved it.
It was reeeally good.
Sunbutt Sunburst was awesome. c: We need an emoticon for him now x)
But still.
He didn't make a come back DX
There two PERFECT oppurtunities to put him in teh episode.
Like instead of Sunburst saving the Crystal Empire, I don't know, Sombra had to or something? I'd love to have seen that X'D
Or maybe when the heart was restored he would have been resurrected due to the power of the crystal heart?


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Report Doukzor · 395 views · #sombra

Hi There! · 4:24pm Mar 2nd, 2020


Sombra has a themey weemy written by me · 10:17pm Feb 11th, 2021

The Wrath of Sombra

Yes, I wrote that. Yes, I need support on it.

Thanks, in advance.

Love, DIO.


The Stars Align for the Return of our King... · 3:38am Apr 25th, 2017

Is it a coincidence that earlier today the update to my Sombra story fell right in line in the front page feed with TWO other Sombra stories? Tales of our king are rare enough these days, but for such a thing to occur and THEN the wondrous SombraShy tale of Boomstick Mick's (which I have grown so very fond of last year) to update a scant two hours ago, is no coincidence at all.

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Old Som reprisal? · 4:59am Aug 14th, 2019

I'll be working on Old Som once again and re-editing that and the All-Slayer,

If you never heard about it until now, here's the 20k+ word gist.

Description - After a massive battle with all the princesses of Canterlot, A time drift opens and King Sombra is swallowed in. Ultimately bringing him 10,000 years into the future, where nothing and no one remains. What questions, what answers, what grief and what sacrifices will he have to make to redeem himself once and for all.

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Report Thurnis · 240 views · #King Sombra

Ship ranking part 2 (sombra edition) · 2:50pm Apr 4th, 2021

Sombra x chrysalis: I don't love it but I don't hate it

Sombra x tirek: I love it

Sombra x twilight: I don't know what I think about this one

Sombra x discord: it's a good ship really it is I just prefer discord x chrysalis

Sombra x pinkie pie: I don't mind but I rather ship pinkie with cheese

Sombra x Luna: it's an okay ship

Sombra x fluttershy: same with sombra x Luna

Sombra x celestia: I hate the ship but I still respect anyone who ships it

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Report Ava287 · 163 views · #Mlp sombra

Old Som Part I is out, guys! · 11:23pm Mar 2nd, 2020

The dawn is rising.. but what remains?

Report Thurnis · 232 views · #King Sombra

King Sombra/Darth Vader Hybrid (Upgrade) · 4:08pm Dec 21st, 2023

My King Sombra/Darth Vader Hybrid design just recieved an upgrade after 5 months as I found it to be a bit lacking in some areas and thus is needed to receive a decent overall of new details and recoloured sections. And here it is!

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New artwork for The Bridge & The One True King Crossover · 4:52pm Dec 24th, 2023

A crossover with JDPrime's The One True King & Tarbtano's The Bridge.
Takes place during "A King To A God" in The One True King Rodan's POV
This crossover was pitched in early 2022.
Link to the chapter:

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Report Shrekzilla · 94 views · #sombra #chrysalis

Look, everyone; it's another thing · 9:09am Sep 9th, 2015

Hey! Do you like Papa Sombra? Of course you do!

And if you don't, well, you're probably not getting a birthday party this year. That's how serious this is.

But if you do like Papa Sombra, then here's a slightly altered sneaky peek that might be relevant to your interests!

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Report PhycoKrusk · 342 views · #papa sombra

And thus it concludes · 4:22am Aug 3rd, 2015

That's all for Saint's Row 4: Re-Elected. I'm going to take a couple days off to work on Anypony for Doomsday? before I start Gat Out of Hell. I'm sure some of you will be grilled to hear this.

Especially since the next chapter is going to introduce us to yet another doomsday device.

Report PhycoKrusk · 324 views · #papa sombra

some art · 7:13am Oct 2nd, 2022

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