• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 23rd, 2023


I'm a Brony, but I guess you figured that out.


What the hell happened? · 3:07am Dec 13th, 2014

Okay, so I gathered that the site has undergone some changes over the past while, but one thing is now bugging me. I put a whole bunch of stories into that "Tracking" section, but when they're updated, I don't get en email. Can someone explain? Does the tracking thing do nothing? How do I set stories to tell me when they update? Has that feature been removed? What happened?

Report DelphiDovahkiin · 253 views ·
Comments ( 10 )
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Thank you for the favorite over Humans Assemble. Awesomeness comes few and far between, but when it does I hope to deliver.

Thanks for the favorite! :twilightsmile:

If you just received this, then that means that I want to thank you so much for favoriting Luna Play!:rainbowwild:
That really means a lot!
Be sure to check out my other stories for more awesome reads like Blowing Through the Pages! (If you want to.)

As a side note, what's your favorite part of the story so far?:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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