Hello, and welcome! Cinders of War (Cinders for short) is my name, making fun stuff is my game!
I have found writing to be a fun past time in the last half year, so here I am! Drawing is a bigger part of my life though, but I do hope to improve my writing!
I've also posted a little 'short stories' story for things that happen in this continuity (Bloodlines). I know, that one is suuuuper random, but I guess that's the fun in it! Be warned, the short stories aren't meant to make too much sense, or to have a meaning for them. (Still having a look at what I can post in it.)
A new story, Flame of Disparity, has been a little something extra I've been working on. It features, (of course) Sunset Shimmer as the main protagonist, traversing a dark world with nothing but her flame within. You do not need prior knowledge of Dark Souls or Bloodborne to read this, maybe except for the fact that everything tries to kill you, kinda like in Australia. I hope you guys enjoy it too!
Lately, we've been in the stage of planning, so expect some big things coming at some point! I myself don't know how long they'll take, but maybe it'll be soon, maybe it'll be a really looooong time, so stay tuned!
A Rift Between Worlds And A Long Way to Fall have been concluded and with them, two chapters of the Bloodlines Continuity. Flame of Disparity takes some time to type, so I hope you will bear with my slow update speed for that story.
As of now, requests are currently closed.
That's about it really. I'll add more if I think of something! Cheers!
https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1017935/new-start Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.
Haha, I'm glad you think so.
Hello there, haha, yes. I did those drawings.
Hey is it true that you make artwork for Jojoleopard?