• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen April 23rd


Hi! I like to draw, lets just hope I also like writing stories too. Follow my Tumblr! http://kulhiddenstache.tumblr.com/


Sunny Flare : Good End · 6:20pm May 12th, 2021

Report kul · 393 views · #eqg #sunny flare
Comments ( 31 )
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31

I have your location. You live on the kul-de-sac.


Cool. I'm really curious about where you would take Rise Again. I can dig the writing style, makes everyone sounded different. Looks like there's still some good come out from anon-a-miss stories.

Hello, you! I'm me and I like your art. Thanks for the comment!

Only if you draw more Wally!
nah imma do it anyway but I figure I may as well be a twerp about it qB^)


It's cool, I had finished The Time We Have Left, just didnt want to left any memento there lol. However, like I said in that Wallflower meme, that fic is majorly one of the reason I wont draw extreme drawings for her. You did enough damage there, so let me try to save her in my future drawings lol. Let Sunny Flare be the brunt of my ideas I guess. That being said, update Hollow pls :)

  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
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