• Member Since 24th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


My mind is a house of cards being blown over, but that's okay cuz they're all coming up aces.


My name is Fonts, an author who enjoys writing darker, sadistic stories that make you question morality and the more acceptable things in life. I love listening to music by Strawberry Jams, I love Branden Sanderson's stories, and have a bunch of books planned for the future. Please PM me if you want to chat!

Pronouns: Fonts/fonts

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  • 6 weeks
    Pleasant News

    My laptop continued to decline since my last post, but I managed to make it survive the rest of the school year and push out a chapter before the remaining keys also pooped out. Since I'm clearly not just gonna give up on writing and being involved on Fim (as well as literally everything else I use my laptopfor) I went and got it repaired.

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    2 comments · 108 views
  • 11 weeks
    Not Pleasant News

    Unfortunately, my aging laptop has begun the process of killing itself, with the first meaningful victim being the "d" key. Currently, the only way I can type it is by copy-pasting the letter into place, which is neither efficient nor effective. It means I can no longer write in the past tense with any "ed" suffixes, as well as a slew of other important words like word! Yeah, it's not great, there's no real reason since the keys are clean. Maybe it's the wiring itself because when I took it

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  • 13 weeks
    4 Years on Fimfiction (am I getting that old this quick?)

    Well, this past year has been something, hasn't it? It's been a great year for each of my stories, as EROH, Blood Moon, Menace of Canterlot, and Chronicles of the Reformed have all received more readers this year than any other year, with 29k views on EROH alone and over 48k overall. I revamped my work on Chronicles of the Reformed, which led to it reaching 2k initial views earlier this month, far exceeding my expectations. I've written over 130k words across 24 chapter for EROH, almost 34k

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    2 comments · 87 views
  • 14 weeks
    2k on Chronicles of the Reformed

    Yo, we just hit 2k on my story Chronicles of the Reformed! This my second story to achieve this milestone, so I'm incredibly excited! Thanks to everyone who read it, spread it, and commented on it! It's had a rough journey here but it's back on it's feet and thriving. Thank you all and good night!

    2 comments · 89 views
  • 29 weeks
    Random Thought That Won't Leave Me

    Trigger warning, the topic at hand is porn.

    With that out of the way, I have to pose a question: How do people create characters, have them tell a story, and then write porn about those characters aside from the story?

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    3 comments · 174 views

4 Years on Fimfiction (am I getting that old this quick?) · 7:00pm April 24th

Well, this past year has been something, hasn't it? It's been a great year for each of my stories, as EROH, Blood Moon, Menace of Canterlot, and Chronicles of the Reformed have all received more readers this year than any other year, with 29k views on EROH alone and over 48k overall. I revamped my work on Chronicles of the Reformed, which led to it reaching 2k initial views earlier this month, far exceeding my expectations. I've written over 130k words across 24 chapter for EROH, almost 34k

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Report The_Darker_Fonts · 87 views ·
Comments ( 38 )
  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38

Wowza, real fucking late, but I guess I never scrolled down to see this. HoE is the Heroes o Equestria storyline, or the canon universe of the stories listed above this chat. Sorry this response came well over a year late, but hopefully it's all good... :twilightblush:

Ahora que lo pienso en las demás historias se siguen el mismo contexto del desarrollo del personaje principal resien me doy cuenta 🤯🤯😀

Sorry, friend, but you're gonna have to take the whole deal... or no deal.

I'm here for the Death and Destruction!
Depression, not so much.

  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38
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