• Member Since 8th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

The Sound of Loneliness

Now, what do you get when one person gets both increadibly unlucky and lucky at the same time? A fanfic writer, apparently.

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  • 201 weeks
    I've been sorting through an old man's stuff...

    So the time came to sort through my dead grandfather's things and holy sh*t did I find a lot of interesting bits. Knives, antiquated watches, silver cutlery, Tsar's treasury bonds and more. My grandparents really don't throw anything out.
    It's really fascinating to spend a day in an old man's home and just see what you can find there. Most fascinating thing I discovered is that my grandfather apparently was collecting coins.

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    3 comments · 280 views
  • 214 weeks
    The Technology of Narration

    Once more, I greet you, my dear readers, in one of my rare (and hopefully curious) blogposts. This once I shall tell you about a fascinating piece of technology, but first - a story.

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    9 comments · 246 views
  • 219 weeks
    Iconography and Architecture, The Ways to Immortalise Oneself

    Today, my dear readers, I wish to share something extremely fascinating, albeit highly polarizing. I, therefore, urge you all to perceive the following as the artistic object. I believe we can get by without zeal for the moment. Today I shall familiarise a fascinating interpretation that your fellow, I imagine, Christians (even if of a different branch) have on the familiar Holy images.

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  • 221 weeks
    A Day of Sorrow

    Today is a special day. This is a kind of day which separates your life on "before" and "after." Today, we've lost one of the few decent people we still have left. Today, ended the last person in my own family that never did any wrong to any of us. Today, my Grandfather has died.

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    16 comments · 241 views
  • 222 weeks
    Something Just Occured To Me.

    I think I just found something good in the situation we find ourselves in. The thought has been crawling on the back of my head from the start of this quarantine, but I only figured it out to the point of coherency now.

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    3 comments · 210 views

Oh, hello there.

So, you decided to click on me and figure out what I am all about, eh? Then let me tell you!

I am a decently young chap living somewhere you likely never heard before (though, given the hassle in recent years, you might have heard something about us). That's, more or less, it.
That's it unless you enjoy drama. Now drama I have in ample supply for you, my curious friend.

Drama is, very literally, my life. Anything concerning the human struggle in any way, shape or form I can tell you about. And I will! For drama is what I write! Is my drama any good? Huh, that's a question for YOU to answer, and please kindly do. After all, how can I ever get any good whatsoever if you won't tell me why I am bad?

Oh, and if you enjoy reading other people rumblings about the stuff you don't, usually, care enough to think about; go read some of my blogs. Every time I feel like writing something unnecessary long and elaborate, I write one of those. People sometimes tell me they are fun too.

Well, since you decided to stick around, let me give you something for your trouble. Here, have some songs you will regret not listening to.

Kinda, yes, I am a fan of power metal. Metal is the music that was called to defy the stale, centuries-old, stereotypes of what music is supposed to be like. With its rough sounds and rumble, it creates something utterly different, but nonetheless melodic and beautiful.
Though, to be real honest, I always found confining myself to a single genre was limiting the ways I can enjoy the art that is music. Here's something else I immensely enjoy listening to:

This one has many versions in all the different languages. Originally, however, it is french. Well, sorta.
I have to say that I only speak german on the "Gutten Tag" level, but the beauty of music is that you don't need to understand the words to understand what the song is about. This is clearly a military song (or folk, interchangeable, really), you can tell even without looking at the background picture.
The music is intentionally simplistic so that untrained musicians could play it using improvised instruments and the lyrics are structured like a cadence (no, not the pony). Notice the call-response style of the singing, exactly like those songs soldiers sing in training. By the way, I think I have another few of these for you.

Now this one is polish, obviously. Proud Poles, however, do not enjoy being simple with their songs, even if its made by and for soldiers. They can't get very creative with music (though, they somehow manage to carry pianos around, apparently), but they tend to run wild with lyrics stretching them in pages sometimes. Have an example:

Gotta love Poles. 20th century, in general, is very-very rich in amazing music. Here's Spike Jones, "the man who murdered music," laughing at Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, this song stays hilarious to this day:

Here's another war-time song, this time from someone a lot less controversial, from Kay Kyser:

The songs of those times have a warm and cheerful feeling to them. Fascinating how such horrible things as World Wars can inspire people to create something like Billy Cotton's "Oh! How He Misses His Missus."
You are eating a thin soup, you live in a bombed-out house, but hey, life isn't such a bad thing! You've got this tiny radio with the songs that tell you every day to chin up and look on the bright side! We really could learn a lot from our grand-grand parents. It's such an inspiring thing to see people showing their very best qualities in the wake of such a terrible fate!

But you know what kind of music I love the most?

Simply stunning. Songs like these are rare and precious today. They touche the most tender parts of ourselves, let us feel, not just hear. Art is hardly about sounds and looks, you see. Art is always about feeling. If you don't feel art you don't understand it. Well, I think I took you for long enough by now. Run along and have a nice cycle.

Comments ( 40 )
  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40

Oh, this one? Yes, I like it too. I wanted to use it for winter but then I grew too used to it to change. There's something very poetic about it.

I like your picture

Nice to meet SoL

  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40
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