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Characters in MLP and their roles in Fanfiction (A.K.A How/Why the pony fandom is dying/dead) · 3:30pm Nov 25th, 2017

Oops I let my clickbait show. Anyways on with the character study.

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Are the characters in my stories in character? · 7:29am Apr 21st, 2021

Are the characters in my stories in character? At the very least, semi in character? I would like to see your perspective on it.

I personally try to avoid to some degree making characters out of character, even somewhat in a semi-trollfic. They have morals, character traits, and would never do certain things unless under a fight or flight situation. If I were to make a character suddenly evil/good, I would try to explain as to why it happened if I were to do it.

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Character Art: Buttercup Rose and Sunset Flower · 11:22am Feb 28th, 2021

Hello, everyone! I made character art of Buttercup and Sunset.


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Which Character Do You Relate To The Most and Why? · 12:39am Dec 31st, 2023

Hey there, everyone! You know? I've thinking about this idea for quite a while, but was too nervous to show it due to being not wanting to create any spoilers until it was fully realized yet. But thanks to a great friend's advice, I've decided to give it a shot to see your opinions on them so far.

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A Proposal · 2:15am Jan 25th, 2018

Hey, all!

I mentioned in my last blog that I've had to face some things about myself lately. One thing is that I've closed off some parts of myself, one of which being my love for my stories and characters and my desire to talk about them. I've had some chances to nerd out over these things lately, and it felt so good and really therapeutic to talk about them again.

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Character Preparation: Part Two · 2:20am Apr 3rd, 2018

Greetings, everyone!

As part of the second installment of my character discussion series, I'd like to highlight some of the characters who are from the far-distant past. These are characters that I created for one Lyric tale, and have since decided to stick around for a while longer. So, without further ado, here are the characters who will be featured in my next blog!

Dashing Hoof

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Pack's Loyalty: All members Elements and Spirit Animals · 2:52pm Jun 16th, 2022

FIgured I would show the overall confirmed members of the pack with their Elements and Animodes.

Sunset Shimmer= Fire= Phoenix
Squalo Demone= Water= Great White Shark
Falco Highwind= Wind= Pereguine
Sandy Toxic= Earth= Rock Python
Shade Lycan= Shadow= Grey Wolf
Flora Sprint= Forest= Cheetah
Lumen Draco= Heavenly Light= Tianlong
Flash Sentry= Steel= Bald Eagle
Vinyl Scratch= Sound= Vampire Bat
Derpy Hooves= Sand= Tasmanian Tiger
Snips= Granite= ?
Snails= Time= ?

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Report FoundFamily · 311 views · #characters

OC Showcase: Arcanum Folklore Ph.D. · 9:30pm Jul 7th, 2019


Pack's Loyalty: All members Elements and Spirit Animals · 10:13am Sep 14th, 2022

FIgured I would show the overall confirmed members of the pack with their Elements and Animodes.

Sunset Shimmer= Fire= Phoenix
Squalo Demone= Water= Great White Shark
Falco Highwind= Wind= Pereguine
Sandy Toxic= Earth= Diamondback Rattlesnake
Shade Lycan= Shadow= Grey Wolf
Flora Sprint= Forest= Cheetah
Lumen Draco= Heavenly Light= Tianlong
Flash Sentry= Steel= Bald Eagle
Vinyl Scratch= Sound= Vampire Bat
Derpy Hooves= Sand= Tasmanian Tiger
Snips= Granite= Chimpanzee

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Report FoundFamily · 249 views · #characters

Equestria girls' races and meanings and origins of their names · 6:51am Jul 11th, 2022

Sunset has already been covered in the story proper, so skipping her.
AJ is mostly Irish American, but as she's American, there's rarely a 100%. AJ is also part Native American somewhere back on her paternal grandfather's side. Her last name has already been covered in the story proper.

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Report Autistic Witch · 241 views · #characters

What character do I do best? · 12:16am Dec 19th, 2019

What character do I do best in my stories? As in character... or are all my characters out of character?

If even out of character, which character do I do best?

Report Bendy · 262 views · #character

Wherever the Light Shines character guide · 10:56pm Mar 12th, 2021

Hello everypony! I've considered doing something like this for a while, and I thought it'd be appropriate for various reasons.

This here, as the title says, is a guide to my original characters in the different parts of Wherever the Light Shines' overarching story. While they are different parts that make it seem like they're sequels, they're actually all one big story rather than separate from each other.

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Birthdays of Witchingverse characters · 10:03pm May 24th, 2022


  • Dr. Jiraiya Katon: May 8th, 1933
  • Ryoku Katon: July 28th, 1968
  • Oda Dahl: Dec 20th, 1969
  • First Lt. Minerva Reads: March 19th, 1976
  • Dr. Brigid Aoife Katon: February 1st Imbolc, 1978
  • Anzhong Katon: January 11th, 1980
  • Fluttershy Forst: June 19th, 1998
  • First Star General Sunset Shimmer: Sep 1st, 1998
  • Jacklyn O’Apple: Nov 13th, 1998
  • Raritiva Hondovna Alba: Jan 20th, 1999
  • Pinkamena Diane Pie: April 29th, 1999

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Report Autistic Witch · 169 views · #characters

Need more characters · 8:34pm Feb 16th, 2018

ATTENTION EVERYPONY AND ALL FANS OF CMCARS!!! I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Coming up very soon in the series the girl will be starting school so CD going to be needing some new characters! She already has a few in progress but she still need many more! The girls will be starting middle school! So she'll be needing teachers, students, staff, bullies, mean girls, friends, and for me club ideas. Here is a blank character bio sheet CD made, and make sure to be very specific.

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Report Timelordderpy · 327 views · #characters

Creating Compelling Characters · 9:38am Nov 24th, 2020

Creating a ‘good’ character is an evergreen topic in many groups on this site, so I thought it might be worth a shot to dedicate another miniguide to it. Here I’ll focus primarily on some aspects of a character’s role in a story and the ways in which these aspects affect character creation. The guide might be also a bit messier than usual as putting together these various tidbits of advice would require a far longer text to be somewhat coherently connected.

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Who is Your Favorite and Least Favorite Main Six Character and Why? · 12:13am Jan 15th, 2021

I’m just curious to see people’s reasoning.

My personal favorite is Fluttershy because she seems to be the only character in the show that doesn’t actively seek out attention, most of the time she draws it by accident. She’s one of the only introverts the entire series, and I just spiritually relate to her social struggles and love for animals. If I could, I would totally own a dozen of pets too.

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New character! · 3:52am Jul 11th, 2021

Hey there, guys. I've decided to make a new character that will actually fit with what I'm going for. A character that you all might actually want to see, unlike Odium and Sid (MLP). The problem is that I don't know where to start, unless I need to stop making new characters or stories altogether.


Jongojiverse Bio 21: Roma Candle · 4:56pm Dec 21st, 2018


Being a Better Writer: Flanderization · 11:18pm Feb 24th, 2020

Hello readers! First things first, apologies for the lateness of this post! I am still recovering a bit from that con-crud, it would seem, and slept far, far later than I expected to. Right through my alarm, right through everything.

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Being a Better Writer: Methods For Building Characters From Scratch · 6:39pm June 24th

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