
Viewing 1 - 20 of 44 results

Here/Not Here · 6:40pm Jul 11th, 2015

Hey guys, i'm super maga sore right now. Was in a car accident last night. I'm ok but our car is pretty busted. So yeah fun! I'm kinda here and kinda not. Not exactly sure what to say so yeah i'm hurting.

Report Foals Errand · 439 views · #car accident

BradyBunch Escapes Death By The Hand of Providence · 12:49am Aug 24th, 2021

I've been catching up on getting 60 hours of driving practice before I'm shipped out to where I go on my mission. In only a few days, I've managed to rack up 13 hours, one of them at night. Roads are becoming familiar to me. Driving comes easy. The only real problems are discerning where to turn and how fast to do so.

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Report BradyBunch · 258 views · #accident #nearmiss

A little mix-up · 2:38pm Oct 25th, 2022

I mixed up the dates of when I said Absolutely Alone: Beyond Humanity and Luminous MLP: Storm would be posted. Although, it worked out for Absolutely Alone: Beyond Humanity, so it's okay. I'm going to aim to release the first chapter of Luminous MLP: Storm before the end of the month.


Near fatal accident! · 12:17am Dec 6th, 2017

My dad got into a car crash last night cause some idiot decided to speed onto the highway!!
He's alright, thank goodness but he would've been another crash victim of the holiday season!


Sweetie's Little Accident is back! (AGAIN!) · 8:41am Aug 24th, 2023

I'm back guys! WIth the newest chapter for my story Sweetie's Little Accident, Chapter 14 (Upside Down), please enjoy!

I also used this opportunity to number all my previous chapters titles, so it gets easier to navigate.


Misfortune · 4:29pm Sep 30th, 2016

I wish I hadn't have to say this to you all, but I must give you all a explanation if I dissapear from here.
Today when I was sleeping, my dad waked me up saying my cat was run over because my mom let her to walk, and this was like 30 minutes ago and my mom is running to the vet. I don't know what I will do if she is gone, I loved her and she had a great story.

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Pray for Ramseschaossquad99(If that's your thing) · 1:44pm Aug 11th, 2015

One of my favorite authors on site, Ramseschaossquad99 was recently in a car accident. He is in good condition, but he is flying back to the Netherlands. Please keep him in your hearts (and say a prayer, if that's your kind of thing."


Accidentally In Love · 9:47pm Mar 18th, 2017

The happiest accident of my life! :heart:


I return to work tomorrow. · 3:01am Sep 21st, 2020

10 months ago, I was in a crosswalk when a car hit me and broke 3 limbs. Tomorrow, I return to work.

Report Walabio · 160 views · #Work #accident #traffick

I witnessed a car accident today · 8:40pm Oct 1st, 2018

This happened right in front of me this morning. I drove to work, and suddenly I look up and it looks like the cars explode. It looked like a new years rocket, just infinitely more startling. heck, the front light of one car landed behind mine, and I was about 20 metres away. And that piece was three times the size of my head.

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Report Obsi · 312 views · #car accident #real life

Hand problems.. · 4:02am Aug 23rd, 2020

I type this on the computer i have just set up.

today, at 12:00pm i had an accident.

a gigantic piece of my middle finger was sliced almost completely off. And, as of right now, is completely detached.

a table we were moving had a glass top, and the top was easily fifty pounds plus. it was awkward to grab, so i tried to lean it on the side of the table. the table slid out from underneath the glass pane, and fell onto my hands. it shattered.

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Accidents Chapter 2 Reading! · 7:58pm Dec 2nd, 2019

Apologies for the late upload, but here it is! Enjoy! This playlist also has chapter 1 if you haven't heard it yet.


Sooo, Ummm, Yeaah... · 7:00am Sep 6th, 2018

...I don't think I'm going to have any excuses for at least a week. Probably more. After loading one of the machines at work around 2 am, I turned to get off of the stand I was on to get down. Well, my right foot made it to the top step fine. The left foot, not so much. My left heel hit the edge of the step and let me tell my fellow bronies and pegasisters, slow motion does exist. I have never felt that amount of pain in my life. Even with all the surgeries I've had over the years, none of them

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Hit n run writing · 2:17pm Sep 23rd, 2022

hey everyone

to those who are keeping a eye on my work I'll let you know that i never stop writing i been busy with other project and work, when i a little time i type the next chapter to the store. Finally i want the also add that i have extra time for a while to write the story because i was a victim of a hit and run and my mouth is wire shut so right now I'll be doing some writing for the time being thank for anyone who haven't given up.


A Big Storm Happened · 7:35pm Apr 29th, 2019

I live on the top floor, under the roof. I lost a window. It was a big shock; I sat next to it when a piece of chimney crashed inside. The thing weighed approximately half a tonne.

What I learned from it:
- It's not smart not to check the roof regularly (not my job, though).
- Splintering glass is loud.
- I have a sturdy floor and one hell of an awesome guardian angel.
- It's great to be healthy.
- It's okay to take a breather and comtemplate how you just did not die.

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Short and Bitter. Like my hospital stay. · 4:13pm Apr 16th, 2016

Originally, I was going to write a long dialogue rife with jokes and well-placed puns to explain what has been going on, but I'm pressed for time. So I'll keep this short.

Early in March, I was hit by a car while I was on my bike.

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Question · 10:01pm Sep 11th, 2016

So i didnt mean to do this, but i gave my own story a thumbs up, and i really didn't want to, but i click the thume again and it wont go away, how to i fix that? Should i just press the thumbs down to amend it?


New Reading in 8 hours! · 10:57pm Nov 7th, 2019

Hey hey everypony! 8 more hours until "Accidents, Chapter 1" on my youtube channel! The video becomes public at 12:00 am (Mtn. Time). Find it at that time here on my channel!


Terrible Incident · 8:50pm Jun 25th, 2022

My sisters husband who is a certified plumber was working when a hot water tank swung around and kind of snapped his arm. It was thought he was okay but turns out the tendon fully separated from the bone and will be shortly having surgery on tuesday to like tack it on or something, leaving him off work for four months. The shop he works for is mainly an HVAC outfit but he is one of only two plumbers there thus leaving the shop without their main guy for that basically. Shows how fast a serious

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Sweetie's Little Accident is finally complete after 7 years! · 8:03pm Nov 3rd, 2023

Hey everyone! I'm finally back with one last update on Sweetie's Little Accident!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 44 results