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- DawnFade · 71k words · 8,088 129 · 122k views
- A human soul is stuffed into King Sombra's body. Having no idea what's going on, and thinking he is in some kind of coma, he just casually strolls into the Crystal Empire.Qwapdo · 86k words · 5,963 107 · 93k views
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Featured Stories
A Tale of Tempest There are things in Existence that believe themselves superior to all else, seeing all life as mere playthings. Their favorite toys are humans, due to their unique traits. So a being decided to play a game: More powered humans, more fun. by Charon the Chronicler 2,949 words
Stranger in a Stranger Land I had found myself in a new world with a strange companion. He helped me, but when I tried to return the favor, I messed up. Bad. I hurt him. And he told me never to come back. This is the story of my journey in an odd, but beautiful world. by Charon the Chronicler 4,366 words · 44 · 3
Improbable Truth Windell had faced insanity before, and won. But at a price. Thinking himself once more in a delusion, Windell tries to survive as the line between what is and isn't real is blurred. And why does it feel as if he is being watched? by Charon the Chronicler 163,811 words · 470 · 31
Yes, yes, I have so many stories.
Well Written Stories
A Zoologist Dream Two zoology majors Chris and Keon got separated during a class trip into Amazonia. They soon find themselves stranded in Equestria. by Sonson-Sensei 185,951 words · 2,273 · 97
Hard Reset Twilight gives her life to stop a changeling invasion. Repeatedly. by Eakin 36,358 words · 8,322 · 135
Vinyl and Octavia: University Days Vinyl Scratch and Octavia go to university. by DawnFade 71,075 words · 8,088 · 129
Gears in the Void The living have lost, and the last survivor's luck can't keep him alive forever. He can escape if he survives long enough to finish one last project. by Lab 161,747 words · 1,206 · 43
Stories that not only interested me once, but captivated me twice with their fantastic and unique writing and premise. Well worth re-reading.
Under-Appreciated stories
- Rainbow Dash discovers Spike has the makings of a great archer to represent Ponyville in the next Equestria Games, but dragon-hating officials, and a dragon-fearing town are bent to bar him, and Ponyville, from the gamesZephyr Spark · 121k words · 202 5 · 5.4k views
Short and Bitter. Like my hospital stay. · 4:13pm Apr 16th, 2016
Originally, I was going to write a long dialogue rife with jokes and well-placed puns to explain what has been going on, but I'm pressed for time. So I'll keep this short.
Early in March, I was hit by a car while I was on my bike.
Charon the Chronicler · 859 views
· Story: Improbable Truth
#story delays
I hear that. It must be exhausting doing it in low payment. (Drop a bag of Drachma Coins in front of you)
Charon. Just a guy, listening to customers talk as i get them to their final destination.
My name is Wrex.what's your?
Hey dude are you ever gonna make another chapter on "improbable truth"
Hiatus. I'm juggling college and 2 jobs right now. But it pleases me people are still interested. I'm mostly afraid that with the many events in my life caused me to become a different person than before. A different writer. And the shift from one fist to another may put off some of the readers.
so improbable truth is pretty much dead at this point right?
It didn't seem to get enough coverage. Despite a few grammatical errors, it's a solid story with an interesting premise and well-done pacing. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for adding Pearlwort, Unintentional Villain to the Underappreciated Story Society.
Hmmm. I have yet to read your stories... but the style of your descriptions and you chosen name are already intriguing me quite a bit. Definitely putting you on my read later list. Also once again stating that I think you picked a cool name. So cool.
So cool.
1790653 Like I said it is called Transformed look it up its really good.
1790580 go ahead, shoot.
Hey man can I suggest a story for you? QUICK QUESTION! Do you like transformers? If you or even if you dont look up Transformed on Fimfiction! (Dont look it up on Amazon or anything lol Im just kidding).
No, but I'd like to take this conversation to the PMs.
1731368 Yeah.
So...peanuts or chips for the trip? 'Cause I've met people with odd preferences.
Charon, I hath found ye.
1657325 He wasn't very smart anyways, so I guess you'll get more use out of it than he did.
The leftover bits of brain matter are what really seals in the flavor.
1657289 As long as you don't mind eating inside the skull of the last poor sap that left peanut shells on my boat.