
Viewing 1 - 20 of 185 results

Pain · 10:03am Jul 28th, 2022

Don't you just love it when you type over a chapter and only to realize you forgot to save the edit after spending days of both planning drawing and edits of what will happen gone with in a second.

I hate it here sometimes... im going to be real honest and also realize I should've been using google docs or my fucking Grammarly

kill me please ;-;

Report Dr K-MoonShard · 140 views · #Pain

Tapentadol: An Exercise-Related Back Pain Treatment Entrants · 7:00am Nov 21st, 2023

People can change their physique and gain more strength in the gym, a refuge for health and fitness enthusiasts. There are challenges along the way, though, and back discomfort is a persistent enemy for a lot of people. Even the best-laid exercise routines can be derailed by back pain, whether it's a brief aching from a hard lift or a chronic pain from sitting at a desk for extended periods of time.

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[h1]How Do Anti-Muscle Tension Drugs Reduce Muscle Tension? [/h1] · 10:05am Oct 31st, 2023

An Overview of Muscle Relaxants

Reducing skeletal muscular soreness, tightness, and tension is the main objective of muscle relaxants, often known as skeletal muscle relaxants or muscle relaxants. These drugs both act on the central nervous system or the muscle filaments to reduce or eliminate tense episodes and encourage relaxation. Muscle relaxants are used to treat a wide range of conditions, including neurological problems, back discomfort, hyperextends, and strained muscles.

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I hurt. · 1:43pm Mar 6th, 2018

Can I ask a question? Do you guys normally wake up in pain? I have been doing that my whole life. Aches in various parts of my body, especially my feet and one of my hands. I must ask, is this normal? I only recently thought this was possible.

Report Zaknel · 304 views · #Pain

LISA - Nitro Rad · 3:19pm Oct 11th, 2020


Chiropractic Therapies for Lower Backs in 2023: What You Need to Know · 5:25am Nov 14th, 2022

The following hazards of chiropractic adjustments are uncommon but serious:

Pinched nerves in the lower portion of the spinal canal are the cause of the disease known as stroke Cauda equina syndrome, which can result in lifelong paralysis.

Increase in ruptured disk pain

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Just an update. · 7:15am Mar 4th, 2023

So, motivation is one factor barring chapter progress, yes. But more than that right now is sheer, unending, excrutiating pain.

I have sciatica.

So I'm probably gonna focus on getting through that for a while. Hopefully it doesn;t take too long and I'll have new energy with which to write!

Report Boltsinger · 151 views · #pain #sciatica

About Best Pain Reliver Buy Tapentadol 100mg online by Getfittrx · 7:08am Dec 24th, 2022

Welcome to website where you can buy tapentadol 100mg online at ease with trust. You can get Without prescription TAPENTADOL pills from Licensed online pharmacy in the United States. We are proud to get you TAPENTADOL pain medication 24*7*365.

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Bleach (S) Abridged Ep5 - "My Bones May Shatter" · 7:22pm Oct 11th, 2016

Oh my god why is it so hard to finish up Unicorn x Unicorn chapter 5.3!?

Oh yeah...

And now for something completely different

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Report Typewrittensoul · 459 views · #pain star

my apologies, guys. Especially Opium4TMassS and SuptMrSeaUnicorn. · 9:01pm Apr 4th, 2018

Life has been hammering me lately. Lots of work. And, lots of physical pain. I have been waking up in physical pain for a while, but now my foot has been hurting from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. And that is terribly inconvenient for someone like me who works in construction and has to be physically active.

So, if any of you have been missing my activity, and especially SuptMrSeaUnicorn on Wikidot, I'm sorry about it. I hope it will get better soon.

Report Zaknel · 242 views · #pain #Sorry

MFW · 6:27am May 25th, 2021

Be me
Finished new cover-art

Go to upload it


Report LSTS Connor · 334 views · #MFW #pain

Pain sucks. · 10:50pm Sep 18th, 2023

Had a small invasive procedure done earlier today and am in pain. Pain sucks. Here's some randomness:


Pains of Writing · 7:46pm May 22nd, 2019

I have many story ideas, but currently am focusing on two at the moment. Unfortunately, progress is hindered by a couple of factors.

Number One: Outlining. In School, I learned about outlining the major events of the story for ease of reference. Because of this, whenever I write multi-chapter stories, I have to first write an outline of the story, which can take a VERY long time, especially when looking for filler material. As such, I haven't even started writing the actual stories yet.

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Report Leon13DM · 182 views · #pains #of #writing

Horse Story · 2:02am Nov 19th, 2020

So, this horse is watching MTV and sees a guy playing guitar all wiggly-widdly-widdly-wiggly.

And the horse is just into it and says "Man, I gotta learn to do that!!

So he calls up the music teacher and is like "Hey man!!! I saw this guy playing guitar and I really need to learn to play guitar now, but there's one problem... Imma horse.."

Music Teacher says "No problem! Come in... I'll teach you to play guitar!!" So he brings him in, teaches him.

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I feel like I spent a week on a boat. · 4:35pm Aug 9th, 2015

And I can't remember getting back to the hotel. But I woke up there.

Con's going good so far. Met a bunch of awesome people I already knew as well as several I didn't. Everyone's really nice. Will post more when I get home and decompress. Probably tomorrow.

Report Majin Syeekoh · 356 views · #Pain #bronycon #fun

Q & A Blog: Official · 11:23pm Dec 7th, 2019

So, yeah. As the name suggests, I'm starting up this blog here for any readers of my story, "A Crafter's Dream," that have questions that they haven't yet asked or wouldn't ask otherwise. You can ask anything you want here, and I'll answer to the best of my ability. The only type of question that I won't, or rather can't, are the ones that would spoil the story to come. Besides that, it's free game.

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Well, that escalated quickly · 12:46am Mar 10th, 2022

I was supposed to write a silly, episodic G5 fic, currently I'm 10k words in, writing a scene where Queen Haven pushes the plot forward. Even though until recently I didn't even know there was a plot. I wonder where this madness will end.


Hello! · 6:52pm Sep 25th, 2019

Eight years changes a man. Who's still alive out there in my followers? I know I've talked to some of you on Steam - most of you didn't recognize me (which is good, since my user page makes me want to puke). I'm surprised I still haven't been asked to change my profile picture. I also wish I still had the source on me. By the way, another question - is this site still as bad as I remembered? Bad, as in... well, for lack of a better term, cringe-inducing?

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The Author is unwell · 8:59am Jun 10th, 2021

Believe it or not, I do most of my writing on a treadmill to breakup my work schedule. Exercise and wordsmithing. The perfect twofer. Sadly, structural issues with my hip have sidelined me for a week and make it hard to sleep. The imperfect twofer. This impacts my release schedule for the The Runaway Bodyguard. I've got me some good doctoring going on, so I will be back soon. Peace. Out.

Report scifipony · 176 views · #Pain #injury #writing #exercise

Comprehensive Guide: How to Prevent Back Pain from Muscles · 11:48am April 4th


Back pain is a prevalent issue affecting millions of people worldwide, causing discomfort, reduced mobility, and sometimes even severe disability. While there can be various causes of back pain, one significant contributor is muscle strain. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into effective strategies to prevent back pain stemming from muscle-related issues.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 185 results