
Viewing 1 - 20 of 124 results

Tell me I've failed already! · 12:17am Sep 2nd, 2015

I submitted a story late last night, and haven't heard back from the admins.

Usually, when my story is passing, I would have been told by now.


Report Paradox Theory · 238 views · #ANXIETY

Anxiety Observation 002 · 7:41pm Sep 27th, 2021

Any attempt to use a drive-thru window (the name of which also leaves me called ... why "thru," why not just "through?") will leave you feeling terrified. I know everyone with me is going to flood me with specific requests and always want to adjust their orders and trying to remember all of these without placing the wrong order is maddening. My accent has also made ordering from these stupid things a chore, because I am often misunderstood - my personal best was five attempts to order a coke

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Report Saint Kartano · 106 views · #Anxiety

Anxiety · 2:58pm Jun 29th, 2020

After one innocuous act of recklessness a week ago, I had a moderate anxiety attack Friday night. As a result, I have been frequently achy, constantly fatigued, and drained of passion. I just can’t find the will to write in this condition, even though I know there is technically nothing wrong with me.

Development of future chapters will be slowed down for a little while. At least until my psyche shakes this off.

Report Humanity · 454 views · #Anxiety

Doing Much Better · 4:09am Nov 28th, 2015

Back again! And I am very glad to say that my mental state has improved beyond belief. My counseling is going very well. I have had no suicidal thoughts for months. Homicidal thoughts are still there, but they are much less frequent.

I have fantastic friends who are always there to support me. And I am happy.

But that's not to say I'm not still having problems. I am very depressed (I'm taking serotonin, a dose of 100mg as of now) and very anxious.

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Low Self Esteem Triggers · 1:53am Jul 22nd, 2015

I was in the basement singing karaoke which I love to do, and calms me down, when my dad screamed from the other room for me to stop. It hurt :fluttershysad: and it makes me feel like I'm a bad singer even though I know I have a great voice and it's just my dad being stubborn and not caring about other people. Anything similar happen to you guys?

Report Shukawarioserfi · 399 views · #anxiety #dad

late night anxietyposting · 10:45am Feb 3rd, 2022

why did I decide to make a comment based story when:
a: reading comments makes me anxious because my brain is convinced that they'll be mean
2: i barely have any readers so all the suggestions come from 2 or three people
iii: I keep getting the urge to write self indulgent content that appeals only to me like the two other people who have the months worth of context to even care

why am I even writing this blog

anxiety sucks

Report Shilic · 111 views · #anxiety #why

Clearing Up Some Things (Anxiety & Explanation On Why I Vent) · 5:24am Jun 26th, 2016

Apparently I can't vent. Apparently I'm not allowed to not be happy. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore my shortening breaths and lightheadedness and tight throat and I'm supposed to put on a fake smile for the Internet and say I'm ok. But I don't wanna do that.

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Report Vanilla Mocha · 515 views · #Anxiety #Vent

Anxiety and Depression: An Outsider's Guide · 10:53am Sep 12th, 2016

So to begin, I'd like to give a bit of an educational background.
There's a huge difference between depression and anxiety the adjectives, and depression and anxiety the disorder.
When you hear depression or anxiety, you may think "Sad or anxious". Yeah, those are nowhere close. I'm sure there are plenty of self-diagnosed people who may or may not be right. However, you're not a doctor so please don't try to guess which one it is.

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Suffering Anxiety and Depression Disorders · 7:00pm Mar 14th, 2019

Guys, I do have a confession to make! I have Depression and Anxiety Disorders, despite that I have mild autism.

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Why now? · 4:57am Jul 14th, 2020

So somepony might ask me about Cozy's anxiety in the new chapter I'm writing. They may want to know why is this happening now and it wasn't before? Well that's the thing about dysphoria or any anxiety really. It never comes all at once. It always needs time to ferment in the mind. And so now, 32 days after she was unfrozen from stone, Cozy is beginning to realize the ramifications of what she had done. And she doesn't like it!

Report Betty_Starlight · 136 views · #Anxiety #Cozy

Find Serenity: Effective Anxiety Therapy at Princeton Psychotherapy Center · 9:31am March 29th

Experience relief from the grip of anxiety with specialized therapy at Princeton Psychotherapy Center. Our dedicated team of professionals offers comprehensive treatment for anxiety disorders, providing strategies to manage symptoms and regain control of your life. For more details, visit:


Psychotherapy is the best way to reduce anxiety and stress! · 9:16am May 14th, 2022

Yes, you read that right! Psychotherapy for anxiety is offered by professionals to help a patient get rid of all major concerns that can cause serious health issues. Therapy techniques help reframe negative thinking and change behaviours. For more details visit at:


I feel weird today. · 6:33am May 6th, 2017

I don't know how to explain it... I guess It feels like emptiness mixed with loneliness. It's like I'm missing something in my life. Today I went to work, feeling alright. I was talking to my Co workers and everything was fine, But right when I got home, All these feels started to get to me for some reason. I also don't feel like doing what I love everyday when I get home from work(Video games, Youtube.) I'm just not feelin' it tonight I guess. It feels like I need to cry, but I don't...

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Anxiety - what it feels like · 8:27pm Jul 24th, 2015

I take one breath, slowl but shallow, than an other, and an other, my breathing becoming quicker and quicker as I still don't feel any air passing down into my lungs, my desparation growing bigger as the feeling that I can't breath spread through my body.

Finally I stop. After a few moments, I try again. I take a deep, slow breath that is in reality shallow, but it feel deep as I finally feel the air filling my lungs again.

It's still not over.

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I feel completely alone, yet can never socialize · 4:46am Aug 10th, 2015

I like to try finding someone/some people to talk to or that I know I can turn to for company (Maybe even by the 1 in a million chance, a girlfriend), the problem with that is the fact that I'm incredibly introverted; I kinda have a hard time listening, plus I can never really find anything to talk about other than my interests to others and barely anyone in my area share the same interests as me resulting in it being incredibly hard to hold a conversation with someone i'm trying to meet for

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A vent · 2:02am Sep 10th, 2022

This is the thousandth time I've tried to write a blog post about anything, I always write miles of words and give up and delete it. Every other time was going to be about fic related topics. This time I'm going to vent.

So, hi, I'm an incredibly socially anxious person. This past week has reminded me of that to an extremely uncomfortable amount. I spent two hours straight sobbing out loud in my room like the adult I am a few hours ago.

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Report Soft Shake · 215 views · #social anxiety #vent

What More Does This World Want From Me?! · 5:08am February 2nd

Every day, whenever things relating to LGBTism are brought up, I find myself caught in ridiculous scandals that often seem to result in me taking the brunt of it all. People on here express their hatred of me, they immediately side with those I’m opposing, and they don’t even take the time to let me tell my side of the story or get to know me better as a person!

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Two Days Left! Mo' Plannin', Mo' Problems - NaNoWriMo · 2:14am Oct 30th, 2017

Spent a good portion of the day reviewing my writing guides and adding more notes to my story notes.

And damn it, I wish I had more time.

I've written at least 12 more pages of notes for review and planning, and I want to get so much more jotted down before the challenge starts.

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Report Lost_Marbles · 251 views · #NaNoWri #anxiety #desu

Pre-NaNoWriMo Jitters · 7:50pm Oct 28th, 2017

I have been looking forward to writing this project for so long, now that it's only a few days away, I'm trembling with anxiety. I'm so excited to be finally starting this project which will be a major step forward in my "writing" career. After this, I only have one more big story that I feel that I "must" write before I can ever move on to bigger things.

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Anxiety and an Update Three Years in the Making · 9:18am Feb 21st, 2016

So for the last two hours I have been constantly looking to see if my first fanfic in over three years was been accepted. Now it is past midnight and I have to get up early to go to church ( ugh ), and I probably won't go and sleep until it is accepted. I worried that no one is going to like it or no one is going to even be interested by it. Its pretty much how I feel before presenting an essay at school, I know its going to be fine, but I'm still worried. I already have the story all planed

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 124 results