• Member Since 14th May, 2014
  • offline last seen May 16th

Patriot Pony

I’m a Brony since the late of April 2013. I love Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Flitter, Cayenne, and Moonlight Raven. I love metal music and getting along with others.

More Blog Posts6

  • 174 weeks
    My grandmother passed away

    I lost a loving family member. She meant a whole world to me, and was diabetic. But the scariest thing to me, is I’m more depressed than the end of the series. I’m serious about this. And I just prevent myself from having suicidal thoughts.

    7 comments · 254 views
  • 276 weeks
    Moonlight Raven and the other Canterlot Ponies are the best

    I gotta admit, I loved those Canterlot ponies, Specially Sassy Saddles, Minuette/Colgate, Cayenne Pepper, Citrus Blush, and Moonlight Raven.

    0 comments · 311 views
  • 280 weeks
    Suffering Anxiety and Depression Disorders

    Guys, I do have a confession to make! I have Depression and Anxiety Disorders, despite that I have mild autism.

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    0 comments · 268 views
  • 280 weeks
    Feeling Depressed

    I’m just sad of FiM is coming to an end, and the same time I’m feeling a bit upset of the briny fandom is dying. I don’t want the fandom to fade, but to continue to coexist. I want every brony know that they’re not the only one as I am. And I never felt that upset of this in my life, and I hope G5 MLP will be decent.

    6 comments · 277 views
  • 422 weeks
    Jacksepticeye hits 11 million Subs!

    Hey everypony! Jacksepticeye just hit this milestone, 11,000,000! Let`s celebrate!

    2 comments · 407 views

Suffering Anxiety and Depression Disorders · 7:00pm Mar 14th, 2019

Guys, I do have a confession to make! I have Depression and Anxiety Disorders, despite that I have mild autism.

When FiM is coming to an end, it took a toll on me, knowing that all good things will come to an end. I'm looking forward to G5 MLP, but I'll certainly miss G4 MLP. And the the same time, I'm a bit worried if how the G5 would look like, and how it would affect the Fandom itself. I loved being a Brony, and the same time, loved anime series(mainly Gundam series, Sailor Moon, Zoids, and others). I just hope you guys hear what I have to say, and I'm committed to open up of who I was. And I want to be like everyone, and I loved my family dearly especially.

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