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I'm depressed for several reasons but chiefly because my roommate is being an asshole to me to distract her from feeling depressed for reasons I won't go into because they're her personal life so please I am begging you someone write a coll · 10:44pm Jun 3rd, 2021

I'm depressed for several reasons but chiefly because my roommate is being an asshole to me to distract her from feeling depressed for reasons I won't go into because they're her personal life so please I am begging you someone write a collab with me I want to be happy again

please I am begging you collaborations with other authors on stupid stories make me feel better .

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Personal drama enclosed. Be warned. · 8:05pm Jan 23rd, 2016

This is the blog post I mentioned I'd make in the author's notes of the latest chapter of LBC.

This started this past December around christmas. I was in charge of making christmas dinner since my grandmother passed away last year and it was a damned nightmare. My dad, whom I live with, has become a blubbering, shell of a man. Despite living with him, he doesn't really know me. There's always been distance between us (physical abuse) and he believes we're best buddies when we aren't.

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Report Blue Cultist · 535 views · #depression

Depression · 12:08am Dec 20th, 2015

Scribbler, one of the top fanfiction readers, and a pretty decent writer, has written and read a description of depression that is the most accurate and complete I have ever seen.

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Report tosety · 409 views · #depression

Sorry · 10:26am Aug 19th, 2018

Not quitting the story just very depressed

Report Xenay · 363 views · #Depressed

Living is like drowning · 3:15pm Sep 10th, 2020

Living is like drowning. At least I think it is. I've never actually been drowning. Unless I have, but I've lost it in the haze that is my memories.

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Report chris the cynic · 579 views · #depression

Skipping my Monthly Status Blog this month..... · 3:31am Apr 30th, 2019 refer everyone back to my blogs, a couple months ago, about depressiion.

Since the middle of last week, I have fallen into another bad depressive episode. The new dog is helping in that at least I have a cuddle buddy and emotional support anchor, but she came along right at the worst part (the part where I don't get out of bed, don't feed myself, and don't even bathe myself). The part where it hurts to even THINK about doing anything.

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Report MythrilMoth · 1,321 views · #depression

What is depression · 1:41pm Jul 3rd, 2016

Depression is not about being unhappy. It's an illness. And it can end deadly.
If you wonder what it feels like, you really have no idea bout it.
If it's bad enough, you don't feel anything. Emotions are erased from you. From your soul.
And everything around you is like a movie. You see it happen, but it's all just an act. None of it is real.
When you're around others, you're lonely. Nothing matters.

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Report Xenay · 435 views · #Depression

Thinking about how to plan for Gallus' backstory regarding his upbringing · 3:44am Dec 10th, 2020

Griffons aren't the most caring of creatures.

1. Abandoned/Kicked out at a young age and left to fend for himself
2. Parents killed due to event (Trauma depending on witnessing event) leading him to live on the streets

(This was before encountering Grandpa Gruff, they never stated if he was biologically related to him.)


Delays · 7:18pm Jan 25th, 2021

Writing the next two chapters for Innocent Monster is draining me currently.

Gonna have to delay it till next month.

Report Frustaz · 322 views · #Depression

Stuff off my Chest · 11:36pm Oct 3rd, 2015

So lately I've been thinking about a few things that I'm going to say below.

My mother and father have been divorced for around seven or so years, which is nothing out of the ordinary. And my mother is now remarried, as was my father, until recently. I have four half-siblings, and they're all pretty cute.

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Report Kaffeina · 342 views · #depressing

I'm Depressed (Not a cry for help, just a vent) · 6:30am Aug 26th, 2015

I'm depressed. I'm not particularly concerned about it: This doesn't happen very often, It's not a deep depression and I know it will go away, but right now I'm depressed for a few reasons, mostly my inability to care about writing much these days I have hundreds of interesting ideas and zero will to get them onto paper. That's why so many of my stories are stupid random oneshots these days. But just cause I'm depressed doesn't mean you should be. Go give someone a hug for me, please.

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Feeling Depressed · 2:00am Nov 17th, 2015

I am feeling sad today. So last Friday I went on a tour and had my first interview at UPS. They told me I needed to call them today between 10:00-10:30 in the morning to schedule a second interview.

Today I called them at 10:00 and was told that I should call back between 2:00-2:30. The clock hits 2:00 and I call them... but no one picks up. I call a total of 5 times within that time and the phone just rang... and no one picked up.:fluttershysad:

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Report Robipony · 350 views · #Depressed

Just...Things happened · 7:20pm Oct 8th, 2015

I don't know... how but in one day I'm depressed. Half of them I can't say any way. But my dog died, grandma died, I need a break from this guy's, best friend died. All in the span of a few days. I'm taking a break from it all...

Good song too. Need to take a break... see ya people. *Walks into sunset*


Depression · 1:22pm Aug 24th, 2016

It's putting food in your mouth, but not having the energy to chew it.

It's watching cars pass by, wondering what would happened if you just ran in front of one.

It's being surrounded by people, but bearing the weight of a crushing loneliness.

Anyone want to talk? I just need a friend go talk to.

There's nothing wrong, I'm just... sad.

Report Sleepy Panda · 416 views · #Depression

Sorry · 4:07am Aug 28th, 2016

I know I've been all "doom and gloom" lately, and I'd like to apologize for that. I know it's annoying to have other people's misery shoved onto you.

Basically what happened is my antidepressants stopped working one day, and then I randomly decided to go on an anti-medication rebellion, which turned out to be a super bad idea (I even ditched my allergy meds, so now I'm in really bad physical shape as well).

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Report Sleepy Panda · 422 views · #depression

I'm depressed · 8:35pm Apr 15th, 2018

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Report Nailah · 362 views · #depressed.

Feel'n blue · 11:23pm May 9th, 2016

Hey guys, I'm kinda feeling blue and kinda don't really know what to other than quietly sulk and make my crazy worse. Just a general chat, I'll answer some questions about really anything, I'm kinda open to whatever there is. Even if it's about my religion or what I consider a religion. It's different from anything anyone really seems to understand, but I'm also a practitioner of Wicca and Witchcraft. Again, if you'd like to skype, I'll be open for the next 30 min but then I'll just be speaking

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Report Silver Octave · 234 views · #depressed

Depression · 2:02pm Aug 18th, 2017

I've been debating on whether I should write this or not. Eh, I'm bored, plus another YouTuber I watch has come out about depression. Might as well share it too.

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Report SonicRPika · 256 views · #depression

Questioning My Value · 10:30am Nov 13th, 2015

I've hit record low. For the first time in a while, self-harm and suicide have actually crossed my mind. I'm constantly reminded about how slow my progress in life is and no one seems to understand me. Even my parents don't believe I have a plan for my future simply because I can't give them a straight answer for everything. So why bother? My entire life has either been spent being a sponge for everyone's frustrations or making some kind of mistake or the other. Is that kind of life truly worth

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Report Nova Arc · 266 views · #Depressed

Low · 5:20pm Feb 17th, 2016

Having one of those days...

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