
Viewing 1 - 20 of 917 results

Going insane and sad I think. · 6:30am Jul 5th, 2015

1998 to 2015.

17 years of life.

Huh......Mobile school, home school, bullied, made fun of, failed a lot, got slapped and kicked by dad a few times, had friends....who weren't really friends, became all alone when home school, stuck with dad, stayed his babysitter and doing everything for him essentailly, I never got to live as a kid.

My dad went through cancer, and lived at a hospital.

For about almost 2 years.

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Report Super57 · 430 views · #Sadness.

Sad Pony Story · 12:20am Jul 8th, 2015

I'm thinking of writing this story. A story about two ponies who know each other for… well… such a short time really… not even a couple of months. They have a lot in common, and are growing closer every day. Despite the circumstances that should keep them apart, they start to fall in… no, it would be too soon to call it "love"… but to our protagonist it feels like it's going in that direction.

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Report VitalSpark · 487 views · #sad

Well, I got banned... · 7:26pm Feb 12th, 2016

I got banned from the Sunset Shimmer group for posting a story of Sunset torturing the Dazzlings for her own pleasure. It was my favorite group on the site. I might as well delete The Human Dazzle-pede for terrorizing so many readers.:fluttercry:

I might as well stop making stories completely, I had some good ones that would've made me famous but never made it to being official published. I think the Human Dazzle-pede 2: Adventures of Sunset and the Love Train is cancelled.

Report Aurelius · 427 views · #Sad

Hardship · 11:37pm May 12th, 2017

This week....


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Report Haillee · 424 views · #sad

Update Blog · 4:34pm Nov 17th, 2015

This blog has just one purpose. At 10:05 this morning, we made the decision to put Roslin, by Best furry Friend of nine years, to sleep forever. Her appetite seemed to return yesterday, but she began vomiting early this morning, and her breathing was labored. She could barely stand.

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Report Unnamedwriter · 470 views · #sad

Why I won't be taking requests for a while · 3:56pm Apr 27th, 2018

So. Probably about two years ago, I drew cover art for a user on this site. I redrew this cover three times until this user was satisfied. He used it on his story and gave me credit and I was satisfied.

A couple days ago, I stumbled on that story to find that my cover had been replaced with someone else's.

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Report Mutter_Butter · 383 views · #Sad

Sadness has gripped me · 6:48am May 10th, 2019 its cold fingers, because an icon of FimFiction, MythrilMoth, has passed away. May he Rest In Peace forever.

Report MyLittleBronyDude · 266 views · #😭 #Sadness

R.I.P · 11:13pm Jul 25th, 2020

Today we say goodbye to an icon. I didn't know him much except the one time I seen him on "who wants to be a millionaire" and when he guest starred on "Lilo and Stitch: the series" rest in peace Regis Philbin, you'll be in heaven with the angels, you'll be dearly missed.

Report Applefai · 197 views · #Sad

Rip to one of the greatest Mangaka · 4:16am March 8th

You will be missed. You touched so many lives my own included. May you find peace and rest easy.

Report Equinox Starshifter · 61 views · #sad

:fluttercry: · 2:00am Sep 18th, 2016

I'm being treated unfair... :fluttercry:
I hate it when my sisster is treated like royalty and I am being treated like i dont exist or something
I really just wanna shout "I AM A PERSON TOO":fluttercry::flutterrage:
My parents always say "So Makayla do you wanna go somewhere as a family?" and never "Mistie do you wanna go somewhere as a family?" (Surprise surprise I am Mistie)

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Report Misspegasister_ · 448 views · #sad

R.I.P Merle Haggard · 12:43am Apr 7th, 2016

Outlaw country star Merle Haggard has died today from complications from pneumonia. It was his 79th birthday today.

Report Carolusrex1 · 386 views · #Sad

I don't normally make blog posts · 7:17pm Dec 23rd, 2017

But when I do it's probably for something stupid. Down to business as they say question is it just me or does it feel like the site is dying? back when I first made my account and some of the the earlier years I could reload the main page every 2 minutes and there be a handful of new stuff. nowadays it can go whole days with only a small group of updates not including the fact I feel a lot of authors have just vanished and a lot of good stories just stop updating it sucks really bad.Plus I'd

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Report SHITSTORM · 325 views · #sad

Digging me down · 6:54am Jun 27th, 2015

Have you ever felt like everything in the world was against you at once? Like the gods themselves conspired against you? Recently, my aunt and Grandfather passed away, both barely recognizable when I saw them before the final moment. My mother, who was a recovering alcoholic, has fallen into her old habits, as well as some new drug related ones if the foreclosed house she lived in is any indication. The only way I hear about her now is through businesses calling about debt collection, which I

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Report Hex Bloodstone · 333 views · #Sad

I Had to Get Rid of my Dog · 9:25pm Feb 6th, 2021

My dog Rover recently had stitches in the leg, so I have to have him in a cage. He kept trying to escape, so I had to have the neighbor and her kids help me. But, he put up a fight jerking at the cone he wears so I had to do the responsible thing. My neighbor’s friend is taking him away to take care of him. I’m a bit down so don’t expect any blogs for a few days. Thank you guys for reading.

Report AlphaWP · 139 views · #Sad

Gonna be offline for a little while · 7:41pm Jul 23rd, 2022

Just received bad news. Don't wanna talk about it yet. Gonna be offline for a little while.


Report Phoenix Heart 27 · 129 views · #sad

Rest In Peace Kazuki Takahashi · 9:59am Jul 7th, 2022

Creator Of Yugioh was found Dead This Morning
He Was 58 Years Old

Report RosarioVampire39 · 141 views · #Sad

Hey, can we fill this thread full of cute pony coupples? · 11:12pm Dec 5th, 2015

So, because my finances suck I decided to apply for disability income since I qualify and I honestly can't seem to succeed on my own. So I dug out my old phycology evaluation and read it to be able to correctly fill out the paperwork. I'm less sane than I recall apparently.

Feeling crummy as a result from this, and I wanted to write today... Can we post some ponies here? Something cute to perk me up?

Report Meep the Changeling · 592 views · #sad

We lost best Batman · 8:44pm Jun 10th, 2017


I am crying right now. · 7:21pm Aug 9th, 2017

Hell, has anypony watched Remembrance bt Argodaemon?
If you haven't, you must. It will hit you in the feels so hard... It just... I have no words to describe it....... :fluttershbad:

Here's the link to the video.
Remembrance by Argodaemon

Report Warlord1911D1 · 398 views · #sad

The herd power is very strong · 5:49am Jun 24th, 2016

But I'll just tell you, I'm half brony, half no-brony, its complicated, because some times, I love ponies, but other times, I feel different emotions towards them and the fandom... not bad ones, but not good ones either...

But the power of the herd keeps me in, it doesn't releases me, so I think I'll be in this strange limbo, between being brony and not being brony...


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Viewing 1 - 20 of 917 results