17 users follow Warlord1911D1
Warlord1911D1 follows 39 users
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240 weeksMotivation0 comments · 223 views
Regret can consume a man so deeply, that it will blacken his heart, and swallow his soul.
Time, can be a cruel mistress.
In it's relentless march forward, it robs each of us of many things.
Time can take them all from us. In an instant. Such things are gone forever.
Unless they live on, within our hearts. Our minds. Our... memories. -
245 weeksGood Music 220 comments · 185 views
Man, I'm surprised nobody else is doing this kind of thing.
But anyway
Quiet Now by Cold
250 weeksGood Music 210 comments · 198 views
Dogs of War by Chrisopher Lennertz
Made for the game Medal of Honor: European Assault
Sure thing
Thanks for the follow!
I will, and you're welcome.
Thank so much for adding my story to your list! It really means a lot to me. If you want, please leave me a comment on what you like (or hate) about it. No worries if you don't. Either way, you have a good day!
Thanks for adding my story to your list, hope you like it.
Thanks for adding my story to your reading list!
I promise you, I will.
Thanks for the watch
I extend mine hope thou shall like mine stories.
You're very welcome.
Oh my *blushes* thanks for the watch, hun!