• Member Since 27th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Silver Octave

There's a fine line between magic and technology. We must explore these together and then find union in knowing we all belong. Whether you are of this world or beyond. Everyone can be a friend. -Me


Returning for a finale · 10:09pm Sep 16th, 2023

I am currently working on a new fic that I plan to make my last. With everything in the fandom and the website slowing down to a pretty hard halt, I've decided to move on to other pastures, but I'm going to be here to finish a couple of fics that I am interested in and that I'm leaving.

While trying to leave here but still maintaining things on a good note and having the things that I currently have uploaded, I plan to release one final hoorah.

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Report Silver Octave · 110 views ·

Writer's Message

A passion for SI-FI has lead me to become obsessed with technological progress. Always demanding to get to the next level, to reach not only our moon, but another star. To go further, to obtain such a thing has left my heart burning for the stars. To see planets, moons, dying suns...

Really gets me...

This obsession along with my love for music and playing the violin, made my OC "Silver Octave" His violin is made by Sisters' father after he heard Luna laugh for the firs timet, so that it would always burn as brightly as Luna did that day. Silver found it in a very old ruin while following a vision to restore his voice. Silver is the color of his coat, while Octave comes from his passion for playing. His cutie mark is a constellation, (the very cluster of stars) of a treble clef.

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