• Member Since 16th May, 2020
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

The reluctant fan

Just a guy who’s (begrudgingly) a fan of MLP.

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Blog Posts

  • 28 weeks
    A Long Overdue Update

    Hi!. I know it's been a long time since I've updated on this site, like, 2 years long, but I'm happy to announce that I've graduated college and will have more time and energy to finally get back to working on writing!

    I plan to have the next chapter of Outside Reality coming out Tomorrow. I'd also like to say that I will try my best to come out with at least 1 chapter a week for the foreseeable future.

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    8 comments · 266 views
  • 117 weeks
    Update on my Absence

    I know it’s been a long time since I’ve updated… at all, and I don’t really have an excuse other than lack of motivation and the hell that is my college schedule. This week especially has been super rough. Sunday will be a long day for me, but after that I’m hoping that I’ll get back to writing for all of you.

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    3 comments · 617 views
  • 134 weeks
    Happy Holidays! Update on my writing schedule.

    Happy Holidays everyone! I'm on break for college for most of January, so I'll try to write more often. I still have work though, so updates will remain inconsistent. I probably won't write at all tomorrow because it's my mom's birthday, but after that I'll start working on more chapters. I hope you all have a great break! Whether it be college, grade school, or otherwise.

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  • 151 weeks
    Link to my non-MLP stories

    I have an account on Fanfiction.net that I use to write my non-MLP related stories for anyone interested.


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  • 156 weeks
    Quick update

    I’m currently on vacation with my family. I left my computer at home and although I can write on my phone, it’s far more difficult. Don’t expect a new chapter for a week or so.

    0 comments · 193 views

A Long Overdue Update · 4:13am January 12th

Hi!. I know it's been a long time since I've updated on this site, like, 2 years long, but I'm happy to announce that I've graduated college and will have more time and energy to finally get back to working on writing!

I plan to have the next chapter of Outside Reality coming out Tomorrow. I'd also like to say that I will try my best to come out with at least 1 chapter a week for the foreseeable future.

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Report The reluctant fan · 266 views · Story: Outside Reality ·
Comments ( 10 )
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Yeah, I’m still around. I’ve just been focused on irl things for a while. Mainly school. Winter break is coming up so hopefully some motivation to write will come around.

You still alive dude? hope you're doing alright

Actually, i forgot to elaborate lol. Tekken's a fighting game that's full 3D, but stick to games you know. Or watch game playthrough/walkthroughs on youtube. Fluttershy playing undertale might help give her confidence or break her emotionally. Let her see Asriel and Toriel as her family.. even forgive Asgore.

Have a good time beating Moonlord :)

nah take your time, you do need a break after a friggin thesis. Sides i shouldn't complain, i procrastinate alot myself

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