• Member Since 27th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 33 minutes ago


Name's Velvet Fresh, I'm not new and I apologize if my stories are on prepatual haitus. I procrastinate.. alot


Hello, I'm new here · 12:14pm Feb 27th, 2012

My name is Silfer Adrigas III

Pony name Velvet Fresh, you may call me Fresko. I write crossovers mostly, i have problem with simple grammar or spelling mistakes, don't rub it in. Welp, hope i can make friends here and track neat stories.

If you want further information about me, ask away~

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Comments ( 7 )
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Happy celebrating days, here something cute for the ride into the next year soon to come:

She certainly is. Unfortunately due to the fondness for names starting with G Gilda is a fairly common name. A good question though, and I wouldn’t be surprised to find they were related, especially given both are involved with Ponies and Equestria. Time will tell. :raritywink:

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