I'm trying to turn out chapters for To Outlast again. Bear with me, I've got a lot of other projects that require my attention.
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I Am a Pet Changeling A simple Tunneler drone is catapulted from Equestria during the infamous Wedding onto earth. Confused, injured and alone, the drone must figure out how to survive with the whole world watching. (Changeling on Earth, Xcom, Men in Black and SG:1 Xover) by Queen Sanguine Dreams 157,658 words · 1,534 · 55
Stories that have caught my particular love or fancy.
I completely understand 😁 I can promise I'll be one of the first back if you ever pick it up again though.
I'd like to keep writing it, but unfortunately I had a housefire back in July. Whatever little creative oomph I have left after all the hours I'm putting into setting things right is dedicated to other projects on other sites. It's why there was suddenly a chapter out of nowhere, then nothing- I'd planned to pick up updates again, then the fire and aftershocks prevented me from working farther on it.
Yep. Which is depressing as I was rather enjoying to outlast.
Well guess this place is dead.
are you still alive last time You updated a story was 6 months ago