• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen July 19th


Just someone who has no idea what they are doing.

Latest Stories

Various Stories' Progress

The Ultimate Life Form (Hiatus)
Chapter 9 - WIP
Barely started
Words: 450
Notes: Decided to scrap all ideas I had for the chapter to start anew.

Host (Hiatus)
Chapter 2 - WIP
In progress
Words: 1,512
Notes: Generic writer's block.

Discorded Perceptions (Hiatus)
Chapter 1 - WIP
In Progress
Words: 2,453
Notes: Figuring out how to build the world, which is taking longer than expected.


Cancelling My Stories · 10:56pm Apr 23rd, 2017

I've come to a realization: I do not want to write My Little Pony fanfiction anymore. Too much work for little to no payoff. Additionally, so many of my ideas would work just fine outside of MLP, meaning that if I ever do get back into writing I will try my hand at original fiction.

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Report EverfreeSparkle · 663 views · Story: The Ultimate Life Form ·
Comments ( 51 )
  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51

thank you for your sanity

Thanks for adding Their Very Own Suns to your library! Glad to hear you're enjoying it so far. Hope you enjoy the ride! :twilightsmile:

Praise on, Sunbro! \ [T]'/

This is about your question on the FO:E thread, i didn´t really want to suggest a non-FO:E story on it.

I might also recommend The Immortal Game by AestheticB

Again i must point out that these are just my recomendation and i can´t guarantee that they are to your liking.

Thank you for reading and goodbye :twilightsmile:

Thanks again for another fine compliment by adding BINARY to your "Best of the Best" folder. I'm glad you thought so highly of it as well. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51
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