• Member Since 9th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen June 27th



a curse · 12:14pm Apr 17th, 2013

i have to say this fandom is like a curse (at least it is for me) no matter what I'm doing or how I'm feeling You guys can always evoke some of the best (and worst) of emotions. Sounds like a good thing right? Wrong. This fandom is my crack...my alcohol (I have never had either) and if it existed I'd be stuck in weekly Brony anonymous meetings talking about said addiction. So as I said this fandom can be a blessing to some but it has to be a giant curse.

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Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15

Been a while since I've seen that name. I vaguely remember playing Minecraft with you at some stage. Not sure you remember me. I went by the name Mrluigifan102.

Thanks for the fav!

148021 lol no prob. pretty good story

Oh look, someone who follows my crap stories.

(HINT HINT I'm not mad, check my bio for crap info! Thanks for following!)



hay dude, Just wanted to let you know that I won't be able to come on DA while I'm in Florida cuz of the guest internet and they've blocked it ,The only website I've tried that had been blocked :pinkiecrazy: , So yea, talk to you after the 2 weeks or some other way, ttyl:pinkiehappy:

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