• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 2nd, 2012


New Project

Hello every pony! first things first I changed my user name from Dashie4ever to Dashie4747. Also I have just finished work on my latest fanfiction Dark days which I didn't have much time to put much effort into unfortunately . I have currently begun work on a new Fimfiction based around the universe of Fallout Equestria, the Brilliant original story by Kkat (credit to him for designing the idea and to the creators of the fall out franchise!) I have come up with my own Idea and plan to make this one quiet lengthy ,( in my terms I aim to get about 30,000 words or so) which for me is quiet a lot. but anyways, I plan to work on this Fanfic for a while now and look forward to future chapters. please tell me what you and how I can improve (constructive criticism is much appreciated) so stay tuned!

My deviant art page can be found her containing art surrounding the new story: http://dashie4ever101.deviantart.com/

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Comments ( 19 )
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71659 Kk thanks I understand it all now! yay :3

I will certainly look at ur other stuff and other works to come! I'm not to into the cloppy stuff and more into the adventure, sci-fi cross over kind of story, But I will defiantly take a look at ur other ones! Thanks again, it was a long read but it was sure worth it afterwards :yay:

In 'Blade Runner', replicants' eyes shine with this robotic tone occasionally. I was trying to convey that she was having something kind of like a 'short' in her body at the moment, hence her getting up on her hind hooves by being disoriented.

Anyways, ah... I hope that you'll look through my other stuff. A lot of it is cloppy. Other stuff is comedy, adventurish, etc.

71651 I think I see what U mean now!! But when It says she stood on her hind legs and lights where in her eyes (Something like that lol) I was kinda confused! I get thee over all point that it's to build there bond in the story itself!! Very well written :3

Yeah, there are parallels with the AI movie as well. I saw a while ago. I suppose that story might have influenced me subconsciously, maybe.

The piano scene is significant because Rainbow Dash is choosing for the song that Liam is playing 'September Gurls' as "our song"-- their love theme-- but, being so inexperienced, she doesn't know what her mind is doing.

You can think about it as how you'd feel butterflies in your stomach for your crush when you hear the song when you first met. But then Dashie was only a matter of days old. So, she couldn't manage herself well-- she didn't know her own emotions. She sort of had to be snapped back after she had 'imprinted' with Liam's song as 'their love song'.

71296 Yeah, that's awesome dude, It's still stuck in my mind even now (which is a good thing might I add :ajsmug:). This reminds me loads of that film Called AI. It has the same themes as this and is about a human robot that learns to love it's owner (something like dat), Over all the entire blade runner theme with my little Dashie made this Fic amazing! I don't know why it's not been featured! Final question :twilightsmile: , When Liam was playing the piano and Rainbow Dash stood up, what was happening??? :pinkiehappy:

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