
Viewing 1 - 20 of 181 results

Nicola Sturgeon · 11:15pm Feb 17th, 2023

Putting this up here mostly just to get my thoughts down. Not looking for condolences, and may delete this at some point. We'll see.

Three days ago Nicola Sturgeon announced her stepping down as Scotland's First Minister.

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Yeah...I'm Purposefully Trying To Be Non Existent. · 7:16am Dec 22nd, 2022

I just noticed, I don't really chat with my peeps like I used too here. I apologize really, just life has been a series of unfortunate events. And nothing like a cloud of depress to sap the creativity from your soul. So I hear you ask, Forgetful, what have you been doing with your life?

The short answer nothing.

The longer answer, adulting.

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Report Forgetful · 311 views · #Venting

Something Else I Just Remembered · 9:33pm Oct 25th, 2020

So, remember the purple ant vent? Yeah, me too. Well, I just remembered something that happened on like 4-5th grade. So, we had a four day and three night field trip to San Antonio and Austin (but mostly the former). On one of the restaurants we stopped at, I was very sleepy and was slipping in and out of consciousness every so often. Then, I guess I fell asleep with my head leaning back. Then, like the first day back, we had a power point playing of some of the pictures from it. And guess what

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Report MlpHero · 232 views · #Vent

When you have a story idea but lack of of confidence · 9:34am Sep 7th, 2022

I have an idea for a story...

It’s based on an MLP roleplay I did with a friend on another site (I’ll remove their OC and what belongs to them. I’ll just keep what I made up, like the plot and the world)

Well, the roleplay was inspired by Amphibia (but with original characters and world)

So basically the plot is that three characters (from G5) gets transported to this world and have to find each other and get home.

I really want to do this but there is one problem.

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Welp, I Disappointed Myself · 5:19am Oct 30th, 2018

I said that I was going to write as much as I could with my Halloween high. Well, it's almost Halloween, and I have made very little progress on Brotherly Bonding Time. I swear, it's always the beginning scenes of a chapter that always get me stuck in some bad writer's block (where while you know the big picture, the details escape you, especially when hopping from one subject to the next), and it doesn't help that I get distracted by stupid games and videos too easily and that I've been

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Report Sketcha-Holic · 272 views · #venting

Normy is a grumpy grump pants · 10:18pm May 12th, 2016

What a surprise. It is the month of May after all


Got in "trouble" earlier for leaving the house before my dad woke up (it was one in the afternoon when he woke up). Just went out to spend time with my boyfriend during his lunch break. According to him I'm supposed to wait around until he wakes up. So I head home right after we finish eating and apparently it was my dad just joking with me.

Haha dad. Good one.

Normal equals grumpy pants.

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Report Normal · 254 views · #Venting

Reporting FimFic users · 5:47am Oct 22nd, 2018

I don't mean to question the FimFic admins, but why isn't there an option to report users for "not finishing that story I like and really really really want the ending to"? :fluttershysad: I'm not saying writers should be banned from the site until they finish those stories, but surely they can be abducted and locked in cells with nothing but word processors, or something...

Report Lazy Gray · 258 views · #venting

Status Report: Sick of Myself · 6:38pm Jul 22nd, 2021

Sunlight Rays here, with another blog post.

As you can most likely tell from the title, I am not doing so well. I don't lie with the titles I make, after all.

Recent events have had me think about myself: about the things I've done, both to others and myself, and their consequences, about how I've constantly failed others' and my own expectations.

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Report Sunlight Rays · 248 views · #vent

No One: · 6:55pm Nov 17th, 2020

My Aunt when something breaks:

Report MlpHero · 147 views · #Vent

And today was frustrating for non-work related reasons. · 4:46am Apr 8th, 2022

I have a doctor's appointment on Monday. In prep I had to get a blood draw to check my thyroid. When I called my doctor's office, they sent it through to the hospital (closer than the other option, the Sunrise Center which is all the way across town) while I was on the phone.

I call the hospital to check if it's in.

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Report LucidDreamer · 119 views · #venting

Cody W Patrick backstabbing pedo · 11:16pm Oct 25th, 2020

This person I used to know for 2 years now went behind me and lied many times in the past .

Now in prison for life for rape a 12 year old in Ohio.

He did it without me knowing what going on if you wanted to know his beliefs he was sadistic type I’m not kidding you what happened in his server.

I’m assuming he groomed a individual on it I’m afraid he had committed more pedo behaviors towards his victims. I’m still had to come out and say he cheated on many others I can’t even say.

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Report get fucked retard · 532 views · #Venting

So Like · 4:29pm Dec 8th, 2020

I’m in Reading (ew) and like

some girls are like

complaining about being dress coded

and saying they should teach boys to control themselevs

first off bitch, leave my horny outta this

second off

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Report MlpHero · 174 views · #Vent

just a ramble/vent of some things · 6:54pm Sep 29th, 2020

honestly, I'm tired of myself of explaining why this account is still inactive but I don't want anyone thinking I don't care about this account anymore when it's actually quite the opposite but my current mental condition has had no real way of improving so without any outside forces (sometimes that's not even enough) I just have no internal motivation or energy to push myself into achieving anything.

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Report Larrydog · 161 views · #vent

Hey guys. · 5:47am Oct 30th, 2016

Sooo, this is just a random blog post (just like 95% of all my blog posts) but I felt like I had to say it. This is serious.

Skyrim Special Edition? Got it in my library for free on Friday. I do not want to play it. I implore you guys to not play it either.

I'm dead fucking serious.

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Report Coconut of Doom · 561 views · #Vent

Just some Feelings · 6:52pm Nov 24th, 2020

most likely will delete this later Just needed to get some stuff out and will hide under a spoiler tag so unless your fine with seeing venting read ahead, it's mostly about how I view M/M shipping is viewed on the internet and personal views I needed to get out.

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Report Larrydog · 172 views · #vent

Just my luck. Just my fucking luck. · 2:54am Oct 21st, 2016

So, I got home and plopped down for some relaxing time, played the sims, Warband, thought about ESO. Just relaxing, right? Well, I just realized about five minutes ago that my FUCKING GLASSES are missing. I wear them so much I didn't notice they were gone. Fucking fuck.

Just my luck too, I need those damn things tomorrow.

If you can't tell, i'm POed.:twilightsmile:

Report Coconut of Doom · 333 views · #Vent

Vent time · 8:33pm May 16th, 2016

As if I didn't have enough on my plate, now I've got this to deal with. I haven't mentioned this before, but I have anxiety issues -- bad ones. And this is something I need to talk to people about.

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Report Shamrock95 · 398 views · #venting

So uh · 11:12pm Nov 26th, 2020

Thanksgiving. My aunt yelled at me. She’s still mad (I think). And she yelled because I couldn’t find a shirt. A fucking shirt. Ugh. I cried. Bruh. Like, sorry I can’t reach your 'Golden Standards' or whatever.

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Report MlpHero · 179 views · #Vent

Dancing In The Night. · 5:41am Apr 28th, 2023

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Report D-20 · 157 views · #Venting

2023 Writing Vent · 4:44am Dec 30th, 2023

Well, 2023 is almost over and the only thing I published this year was a revised version of "Cadance's Experimental Therapy" (the revised edition is basically same plot but with a totally different ending, which I prefer over the original). I had a lot of writer's block the first half of the year and while I did start writing again during the second half, I have no new stories published as you can see. I have been having confidence issues again, kind of like how I did after "Soarin's Urinal"

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Report Vik · 66 views · #vent
Viewing 1 - 20 of 181 results