Hi there! I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'm just here to read, not to write. I greatly admire good writers, but I accept that I have little to contribute to the art. Those who weave letters on a page (or screen) into portals to other worlds will forever have my respect, and gratitude.
Author and story recommendation · 2:28am Sep 19th, 2016
In an effort to spruce up my profile page beyond an icon and name, I realized some content was called for. At first I didn't know what, since as a lurker I've little to add. But aha, a blog post! Even someone like me, with all the creative talent of a dead rock, can manage one of those! And I even thought of a worthy subject: an author recommendation. Because there is an author on this site whose works get far too little attention, considering how amazing they are.
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Nah, I’m good. Do it when I hit 2501
I see someone else followed you; if you want, I can unfollow you to make it 2,400 again.
I can understand the appeal of round numbers
I'll be honest, that's what sealed the deal. Your stories are good too, but I can't pass up round numbers.
Oh, also, I just noticed you were my 2400th follower!
Thanks for the follow!
Thanks for the shelf add and comment on "To Name a Rainfall," I truly appreciate it!
True. "like" is certainly a complex thing in this case.
Thank you for telling both sides of a difficult issue.
I'm not sure "like" is quite the right word, but your Sad Stories are already at the top of my list to be read.