
Viewing 1 - 20 of 38 results

Update on my health · 4:24am Jun 2nd, 2019

As it might be obvious if I'm making this, my shoulders didn't improve over the month. I just saw the doctor today and he said I have tendonitis in both shoulders. That means no heavy lifting, no lifting my arms over my head, pain meds, and in a few days I talk to an orthopedic surgeon to see discuss further treatment.

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Report Blue Cultist · 243 views · #Injury

when a weak person gets fit for the first time... · 3:02am Mar 30th, 2019

I've never been the guy who works out. From highschool I went from the fat kid to the thin weak guy but never have I actually stuck to a workout routine until three months ago when I chose to start a daily workout regimen. Things went smoothly and I slowly began to increase it and I've gotten bigger arms than I've ever had (even though my arms have always looked like toothpicks so that's like saying counting to 5 is an amazing accomplishment).

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Report Blue Cultist · 341 views · #Injury

News of the Day · 9:48pm Jul 17th, 2021

I was at my little sister's Eagle Scout project, which was creating a woodshed for a campsite they regularly use. I was chopping wood in an axeyard--very based--but soon after the project started, I swung the axe down and it deflected off the side of the piece of wood and into my foot.

Nothing was cut. There wasn't any blood. But every step I took, for hours afterwards, hurt like heck. Examining the toe, I saw it was blue and swollen and stiff. It's broken, most likely.

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Report BradyBunch · 202 views · #injury

Injured · 8:14am Apr 22nd, 2017

Yesterday, while leaving home for work, I took a wrong way from my usual route and got hit my a motorcycle, now I sprained by ankle and my right arm as well as a bump on the head... The guy didn't even stop and help me. Took me at least thirty minutes to manage to call out since I'm in a lot of pain and can't muster enough strength up to pick my phone up and dial for my resident ambulance. As for now, on how am I typing this... using my left hand... and it's hard and took me longer than usual

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Report ChromeRegios · 493 views · #Injuries #Recovery

Celestia Damn it :/ · 3:46pm Apr 13th, 2021

Hello all, wow it's been a while hasn't it?

Sorry for the delay to, well, everything, but writer's block and some personal matters mainly depression due to joblessness and the fact that my country is led by our version of Republicans has made it hard to find motivation to write, motivation I had managed to find this morning (Australian time that be) and I started to bang out the next chapter to, of all things, Scarlet Tears.

Then I went out to buy dinner.

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Report Silent Quill · 540 views · #injury #update

Broke my collar bone · 9:09am Nov 23rd, 2016

Bicycle keeps trying to kill me! Pain isn't too bad. Currently typing at about 2 letters per second, one handed. May be slow to update for a while. :ajsleepy:

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Report ferret · 496 views · #real life #injury

Hand problems.. · 4:02am Aug 23rd, 2020

I type this on the computer i have just set up.

today, at 12:00pm i had an accident.

a gigantic piece of my middle finger was sliced almost completely off. And, as of right now, is completely detached.

a table we were moving had a glass top, and the top was easily fifty pounds plus. it was awkward to grab, so i tried to lean it on the side of the table. the table slid out from underneath the glass pane, and fell onto my hands. it shattered.

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News of my injury · 3:11am Apr 3rd, 2016

Hello everyone!

So, as many of you may or may not be aware i haven't logged on in sometime. I think it's been like four days, or something? Anyways, regardless of that, I recently injured my back and had been bedridden for a while now. I tried writing during the initial days of my house confinement, but I couldn't sit up right for any length of time.

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Report zalla661 · 318 views · #Back injury #trixie

The Author is unwell · 8:59am Jun 10th, 2021

Believe it or not, I do most of my writing on a treadmill to breakup my work schedule. Exercise and wordsmithing. The perfect twofer. Sadly, structural issues with my hip have sidelined me for a week and make it hard to sleep. The imperfect twofer. This impacts my release schedule for the The Runaway Bodyguard. I've got me some good doctoring going on, so I will be back soon. Peace. Out.

Report scifipony · 176 views · #Pain #injury #writing #exercise

The Knee Post · 6:45pm Mar 23rd, 2018

Yeah, this one’s actually newsworthy enough it’s getting it’s own post.

First of all, don’t worry about this affecting my writing. That’s one thing I can say is that the news I got back after my MRI this week isn’t going to affect my writing life. Other facets, however …

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Report Viking ZX · 433 views · #Bad News #Knee #Injury

The Tale of My Wrist (With Pictures!) · 9:20pm Mar 28th, 2019

Okay, first up, all the pictures in this post are going to be hidden behind the jump. There’s not even a featured image for this one, despite me having ten pictures of my wrist at the ready for the post. Why?

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Your personal injury lawyer provider in UK – Injury Lawyers UK · 3:11am May 31st, 2016

Injuries can occur to any person at any time. There are lots of people suffering from injuries from road accidents, work and many other slip and fall cases. Injuries can often cause you to spend some money to treat thr issue. Lots of people will have health insurances to cover the charges caused because of the injury. It is important to claim your benefits if you are denied of it. There are lots of firms offering the best services to people requiring lawyer services for claiming the benefits

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Update on the hiatus · 10:30am Mar 1st, 2020

Just dashing off a quick note here.

Medically speaking, I'm healing. The back muscles are slinking back into place slowly but surely. Sadly, the meds are still kicking my ass into bed for 10-11 hours a day. So, still no writing. :(

Now that my Workers Compensation claim is in place I can avail myself various therapies such as massage, chiropractic therapy and physiotherapy. I'll be looking into my options to see what can at least get me off the sleepy meds asap.

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Report Penalt · 295 views · #injury #healing #hiatus

Hurt · 5:52pm Sep 28th, 2018

So I see a lot of blog posts coming up on my feed, and holy shit, how did so many people get hurt? One sprained their ankle, the other broke their wrist. Is it just bad luck? Because I think I caught some.

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Report Darkie 09 · 229 views · #Foot #injury #ouch

In Which the Universe Attempts Symmetry · 7:16pm Jul 17th, 2020

Hello readers! Bit of an update here! You may have noticed that like last week I was a bit silent this week, despite not having made any plans in that direction. And, well, you’re right. I was planning on posting more this week. And starting Alpha Feedback response for Axtara – Banking and Finance. And finishing my Jungle reread so that work could begin in earnest on Starforge.

So what happened? Well … my ribs happened. Or rather, idiot teenagers happened to my ribs.

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Report Viking ZX · 253 views · #Bad News #Injury #News #Ribs

Quick Update On Chapter 4 · 5:15am July 9th

Hello dear readers.
I know I posted an update already, but as you may have noticed, it's been a bit quiet on my end.
Which is the reason I'm popping in.
Please excuse my lack of grammar in this post, if there is any as at the time of typing this,
I have just gotten home after a long night shift.
All that aside, the update.

To make a long story short,
I've been recovering from a particularly nasty burn involving boiling water while cooking supper some weeks ago.

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It’s been a hard time... · 7:44am Jan 27th, 2023

Hiya, lovely peeps.

Things have been... hard recently.

On October 12th, 2022, everything changed. My Dadi (my father’s mother, as said in Urdu) had a dizziness spell and fell outside her house. She broke her femur and lay on the ground, in pain and unable to move. She is 79.

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Frack, Frell, Faldercarb, and other fun words. · 5:53pm Mar 11th, 2020

That's me right now.

Though I have been recovering from my back injury, the rate of healing has been slow. Too slow, even for an older pony such as myself. I finally dragged my carcass over to a professional back-cracker who I know and has seen me in the past enough to know that when I show up in his office it's because I am in genuine pain.

He pokes, he prods. I make noises at what I think are appropriate moments. Then he turns me around and looks me in the eye, saying:

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Report Penalt · 355 views · #injury #recovery #pain #hiatus #writing

I'm not dead... mostly. · 11:09pm Mar 11th, 2018

So I haven't posted anything in a while, and it's been a bit since Blue Mage got an update. Trust me, I have a very good reason...

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Some minor updates · 11:26pm Sep 5th, 2015

Howdy Folks. Garnot here once again writing to ya'll 'bout some recent events that have transpired since my last post. So let's get this going without any further ado.

First of all, to those who have recently followed me. I give you my deepest and most sincere thanks.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 38 results