
Viewing 1 - 20 of 941 results

Birthday Pod · 4:08pm Oct 10th, 2015

Yeah, my birthday's the same day as G4's anniversary. And this one's looking especially good. A beautiful day I'll be spending with my family, a story in the featured box, and that episode.

That episode.

Obviously not going to say anymore until tomorrow, but... thank you, DHX, for five years of incredible entertainment.


Of course the thing about feeling too intensely... · 12:10am Jun 12th, 2015 that you start to put measures in place to counter it, and some of those measures might be subconscious. So every now and again I feel nothing.

I don't want to feel nothing, but I also don't want to feel too much because I can't flippin' cope with it. It seems I'm not allowed an inbetween.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 370 views · #personal

Confession. · 5:34pm Oct 4th, 2016

Alright, I need to get this out of my system and you all deserve to know. The reason why I am making all these nostalgia blogs? I am getting disillusioned with Seasons 5 and 6 due to the show quality not getting as good as the previous seasons. Especially Season 6. At first, I was okay with Starlight being one of the good guys but after taking Twilight's place as the main friendship-building episode character I am starting to dislike her and wishing she was still a villain. I also never liked

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Report La Vallett1 · 423 views · #personal

Borrowing 100000 Candles · 10:43am Oct 10th, 2019

I'm not overly fond of giving my exact age, but it's not every day you need another bit to express the term in binary. It is pretty funny how the show and I share a birthday as well (to say nothing of me having been on this site for over a quarter of my life. :twilightoops:) In any case, it's nine, I'm older, and we both have unknown horizons ahead of us. Here's hoping mine go on for longer.


I Return! · 12:01am Aug 16th, 2019

After something like a year, I finally return to FIMfic.... ok I was here earlier but for the past year and more a lot of my fandom time and effort has been for another fandom that I am now finally sick of, and ready for a break.
And here's pony!
I've started looking at all my unposted fics and WIPs and feeling that inspiration again, and ready to sink into this beautiful, complex, candy-colored world.
There's so much I want to do...

  • Anon-A-Miss fic

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Report Shortmane · 490 views · #personal

I don't deserve your support! · 10:48pm Jan 15th, 2020

I have read all of your guys comments and I can't say that I deserve anything. I don't deserve any of this and I am grateful but I can't see how I deserve any of this. I haven't done anything to deserve this. I have failed a lot of people and have sacrifice a lot to help people but I don't know if I deserve this. I shouldn't bother you guys with my problems. I am glad that you guys support me but I don't deserve it. All I do is mess everything up. I don't deserve the support of you guys.

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Report Badwolf1175 · 215 views · #Personal

What the last blog post was about! · 12:21am Feb 12th, 2020

What the blog post was about was the fact that I might not even be eligible for college at all even know I am smart. The only reason I am being held back this time is the fact that my family couldn't provide a good study environment for me. Which means that my GPA is to low. I am working on a solution to this problem but it looks like the system for disabled people going to college is going to fail me. I was relating this to some bullys I had back in elementary school who said that I am wrong

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Report Badwolf1175 · 243 views · #Personal

HELLO THERE · 5:03am Oct 10th, 2020

General Kenobi would say.

Welcome to my humble little side of where I (like pretty much everyone else here) read, review, and write stories involving cute cartoon horses and the magic of friendship.

10 essential things to know about me:

  1. I'm an (eastern) Orthodox Christian by the grace of God.
  2. I'm Greek.
  3. I'm male.
  4. I'm a 90's kid.
  5. I live somewhere in the USA.

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You guys are right! · 6:43pm Jan 31st, 2020

I am glad that you guys gave me your honest opinion of the last blog. I see I haven't really been as much of help as I thought I was. I have helped people but I guess it wasn't enough then again when is it enough. I know I haven't really done anything or changed anything. Maybe I should stop helping people because maybe I am to weak to do anything. I will never do something that really matters. Thanks for the honest opinions and I can now see that maybe I can't believe in a brighter future

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Report Badwolf1175 · 266 views · #Personal

Staying and other news! · 4:21pm Feb 1st, 2020

I have decided that I am staying. I am not going to leave Fimfiction and what made me want to stay is all my friends here. Here's some more news I actually went to the hospital last night for stitches because apparently taking a sharp blade to the arm isn't a good idea. I was training a person with a sword because I was training in swords anyway I took every once of safety precautions I could but I ended up finding two of my worst students take real swords and started to play with them and well

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Report Badwolf1175 · 276 views · #Personal

Canterlot Avenue is frickin' awesome!!! · 11:19pm Dec 30th, 2019

CANTERLOT AVENUE IS SO FRICKING AMAZING!!!!! I never thought I would find a site specifically for MLP RP!!!! I’ve only been a member for about 20 minutes, but those 10 minutes were amazing!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:


First is the worst · 4:23pm Jan 4th, 2022

Has Fimfiction always had a blog feature? I don't remember looking at others' blog posts in the past, but then again, I have the memory of a goldfish cracker. I think it's pretty useful to have now, either way. I'm trying to keep track of what's going on in my brain, and ponies have always been tied to my mental health, to some extent. Maybe I'll cure my depression through the power of HONSE! /j

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Report Splatter Heart · 121 views · #personal

The Use of Anon Lazy? · 5:31am Jun 25th, 2021

I find myself agreeing with this. (There has been some talk about this recently in the Human in Equestria group) Don't get me wrong, he's useful for funny one-shots and short sex stories. Yes, I Bendy lord of trashy Anon Second Person fics knows they are trash.

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Short Hiatus · 5:15pm Oct 22nd, 2015

Okay, so, it seems I have really screwed up my foot this time, and after dragging my sorry ass down to the Jobcentre this morning like I was re-enacting a crippled Battlemech, my foot has now swelled up so much that I couldn't get it back on one of my shoes if I tried. I literally can't concentrate on anything right now, so I'd just suspended any pretence at useful work. Luckily, I have also just discovered that I can buy co-codamol over the counter; there is some chance this might save

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Report Inquisitor M · 523 views · #Personal

Parting's Such Sweet Sorrow · 1:52pm May 17th, 2017

No, don't worry, I'm not leaving the site. If I was, it'd be a gradual and quiet event.

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Report Sketcha-Holic · 376 views · #personal

Okay, what the heck Fimfiction · 9:29pm Jan 17th, 2017

So I use google docs to write my stories (since I can write sometimes while on my phone), mostly because I dont want to clog up my Dad's computer with my own documents.

For most of my fimfiction days, I've used google docs. Ive just imported them as instructed and voila! My chapter appears as it's written in the doc.

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Report Nekiyha · 352 views · #personal

A Life Update · 11:14pm Jul 8th, 2018

This is going to be one of the more difficult blog posts for me to write, and I’ve debated whether I should be writing it at all. In the end though, I’ve decided to air it out.

This morning, after a months-long battle with cancer, my father passed away.

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Report Zennistrad · 361 views · #personal

I am sorry guys for my last blog. · 7:32pm Jan 19th, 2020

I don't really tell anyone what I just told you all but I decided you guys had a right to know and don't worry I am doing fine. Please if you want to know more just comment on this blog post.

Report Badwolf1175 · 168 views · #Personal

Thank you guys for the support. · 10:53pm Jan 24th, 2020

I can't really say anything right now because I am shocked. Thank you for your support.

Report Badwolf1175 · 161 views · #Personal

My CA · 3:50am Jan 4th, 2020

Here’s my Canterlot Avenue account! Feel free to PM me for RP and feel free to send me a friend request!

Viewing 1 - 20 of 941 results