• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 17 minutes ago


Oh, you found me of all fans huh? Are you lost? XD

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An update on life and story enhancements · 6:35am June 11th

Hello everypony! Well, anyone who's still here since I haven't posted anything in a while. :twilightblush: Well, first I'm so sorry I hadn't published anything in a while, but things are getting a little better for me since my last post in October of last year, depression is a real pain in the flank both mentally and productively. However, I've been trying to work through it all and get back to work on my story "Wherever the Light Shines" and its five parts that will consist of ONE story, it's

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Comments ( 110 )
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Hey, MLPSolarDash1907 I put you on my father's day list click my name and go to my blog to thank me.

Comment posted by Phetiamwantip deleted Jun 18th, 2023

Awesome. :) Glad we had a fun time with both of our mothers. :)

  • Viewing 106 - 110 of 110
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