This story is a sequel to Wherever the Light Shines
*Takes place after Season 8 and Best Gift Ever*
*Some Season 9 elements and characters will be implemented*
Now a hardened fighter and traveler, Mystic is both wanting to move on and is numb to the past and longs to be the pony she has become since then. When she fights off a lion, and ends up discovering a potential invasion to the land of Equestria, she eventually decides to begin her journey to Equestria, unaware that she'll run into six familiar faces and their shenanigans.
Meanwhile, Starlight Glimmer is looking into spell hypotheses and is determined to crack them.
None of them know that these events would lead to a bigger adventure.
*Mild violence and gore, nothing explicit*
*Chapters will be submitted on by my decisions and my pacing because I want this story to be the best I want it to be. Speed isn't the point, quality is.
Commission done by Sirzi! Check out his amazing work!
***Featured on July 17, 2021?! I never expected that! Thanks! Though it was for a little more than half an hour, it was still thrilling to be featured even for a little bit.
Featured again on July 31, 2021! My goodness! :D***
OOOOOooooo... I like it. I like it a lot.
Great. :D I'm glad you do and I hope you enjoy the rest of it as it comes along.
Very interesting, but good start. I'll definitely keep an eye on this story.
It's nice to have a chapter from the ManeSix perspective!
And of course, school bullies. Great!
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Hmm... problems with electrical and plumbing... some creatures planning something big in Equestria with the Grand Galloping Gala closing in... and bullies... interesting events going on...
Another good chapter, but oh dear. Those two bullies are out of control. They even made Fluttershy mad!
Just what is their deal?
Mystic running into Braeburn was hilarious.
And... I'm kinda wondering if the bullies have anything to do with the plumbing and electrical.
Another thing. The two colts think their dad is so important... but their teachers are saviors of Equestria several times over, one being a princess that was the student of Princess Celestia(and in many fics, is treated as a surrogate daughter to Celestia)... how can they even think their dad holds a candle to that?
Indeed, how could he? Well, I guess we'll have to find out. :)
Hmmm... I'm guessing that Bullion guy is the reason things are falling apart. You made a great antagonist.
And now, I can just imagine Mystic doing everything she can to get away from Fluttershy and get back on her mission... only to be forcefully enrolled in the school of friendship and figuring out what's going on and putting the bullies in their place... while also completing her self-imposed mission.
Interesting thoughts. :) We shall see what will happen.
Tense chapter.
Wow... and I thought Mr. Bullion's sons were bad! He makes Blueblood a gentlepony compared to him!
Just what is his deal? And why is he all high and mighty even though he is insulting a royalty? And why do I have this feeling that he was the one behind the plumbing issue?
And Mystic finally arrived to Ponyville, only to get attacked by Timberwolves. Thank goodness Fluttershy was there to help her!
I wonder what will happen next?
Anyway, yeah, Mystic has in a rough way arrived in Ponyville! 
What is his deal, anyway?
Yeah, the meeting between Mystic and the Mane Six went well... more or less. Despite resisting, it looks like she's starting to warm up to Fluttershy a little bit.
I loved and laughed at the scene when Mystic antagonized the Cherry Vendor for trying to overcharged his cherries to Fluttershy again. So satisfying!
I chuckled at the last part with the cherry vendor.
I'm glad you did. :D That scene was also meant to show Mystic's brutality to both Fluttershy and Ponyville.
Welp... Mystic is in a world of trouble!
Hmm... well... interesting turn of events.
For someone who normally doesn't ship and don't do romance, you certainly did a great job to me! Starlight and Starburst are so cute together!
Should I be concerned about the "voice" in Starlight's head?
Glad you enjoyed!
As for the voice in Starlight's head...
here's hoping Mystic finely loses it and fucking kills one of the them, how many time do you need to tell people you want out before they get it there looking out for some one then there is false imprisonment ffs
false imprisonment defined: the unlawful restraint of another. against their will, and. without legal justification.
as far as i can tell "princess twilight" has not taken any legal action and has know right to hold her ..... but this is pony land and law means shit any way
I am really looking forward the rainbow getting beat up. Very much looking forward to it.
Well that was a fun fight scene!
I'm quite torn. On the one hoof, while it's understandable of why Rainbow Dash suspected Mystic and did it out of loyalty for her friends, but it wasn't a smart idea to attack Mystic and lied to her friends about witnesses and Mystic attacking first. No doubt her actions made things a lot harder for Mystic to open up and that her lie may come back to bite her.
On the other hoof, Mystic's actions and attitude didn't help her much either. She could've told the Mane Six the truth about what happened and why she was passing through Ponyville, if only she wasn't so stubborn and not act like a jerk to them.
I'm not sure if her "punishment" is going to make things better or worse, but only time will tell.
This isn't unlawful imprisonment like you claim. Twilight got Mystic and her friends to discuss what went down, talked with the Mayor about the damage across Ponyville, and tried to get both Rainbow and Mystic's sides of the story. However, Mystic, her pride damaged by having to be taken care of to heal by other ponies and being a hardened traveler, it was a huge blow to her pride, and the next day she was framed for a crime she didn't commit and fought Rainbow Dash.
She chose not to speak up about what was going on the night before because of all of that, and to give her a punishment for not speaking up, Twilight has her help clean up the damage and repay the debt for that damage which will satisfy Ponyville and Mayor Mare. There were consequences and we know how Twilight and her friends work with wanting to make friends and reach out to ponies to understand them better. This could be another opportunity for them if things go well which might be difficult with Mystic's attitude.
Another good chapter.
Despite wrongfully committed, Mystic did her "job". The way she made the cherry vendor slipped was also hilarious.
And Applejack unintentionally brought up Mystic's bad memories. Oh dear.
AJ should try to get to know Mystic, but it won't be easy...
Thanks! :D I'm glad you enjoyed. :D
Pinkie. You should be happy that Mystic didn't have her sword on her. or I fear your parties would have ended.
Well this was an interesting chapter!
I kinda figured that Apple Bloom will be interested in Mystic's blank flank, but saddened that Mystic doesn't care. Applejack tries to get to know her better, Rainbow Dash kinda being a jerk, and Twilight is finding out about a mysterious creature roaming around the area. Maybe Twilight was starting to catch on?
Oh, and Pinkie’s shenanigans to Mystic's expense was hilarious!
Well... this isn’t good!
Hong shown his face at Equestria. For what? I don't know. And those lions are here to conquer the Crystal Empire!
Meanwhile, Mystic is still framed for her crimes, while she and the Mane Six didn't know of the events yet! And of course, Twilight’s school is still in trouble!
This just keeps getting better and better...
Actually It's Canterlot they're after.
Oh, sorry. My mistake.
It's all right. :) It happens.
That's nice.
That was a nice chapter! Once again, Fluttershy is an awesome pony! Not just how kind she us, but very wiseful too!
Wonder what Mystic is hoping to find at the antique shop? And will her investigation help or hurt her in a long run?
So, Mystic got her things back, left Ponyville and Hong entered the picture. Things are getting more interesting...
How long is long?
Oh no.
This is getting interesting.
So they all met up (again), and Mystic told a brief backstory about herself and why she's here. While I'm glad they are working together, but I didn't expect Hong somewhat willing to go along with it.
And it seems only Rarity noticed how crazed the general is. Hmmm...
And it was a fabricated story of what really happened. It wasn't the full truth. ;)
I sent you a PM.
It wasn't the full truth? Interesting...
Wow... that was one heck of a chapter, and that was just the ending of Act One!
Hong is showing more and more of his true and insane side to the our heroes by killing those vultures and his attitude. Despite the battle ending in their favor, Hong wanted to bring Mystic in before Twilight stepped in, but Hong isn't going to quit.
Speaking of which, something tells me that it won't be the last time we see those Pride Lions.
Now that the battle is over (for now), what are Mystic and the others are going to do now?
Anyway, excellent chapter and conclusion of Act One. Looking forward to the next chapter and the beginning of Act Two!
Sweet! Second act!
Talk about a major whiplash! This chapter went from funny and silly to sad and concerning.
Starlight is doing all of this for her mother? That's so sad!
And who's that figure from outside of Starlight's building? Could he/she be the one to possibly "influenced" her thoughts?
Starlights scaring me. Also your most likely not gonna get a lot of reads as this chapter wasn't put as a full chapter or something. I didn't get a unread for it so your most likely not gonna get a lot.
Well, I posted it and depublished it almost right away because I had to make some corrections. This is the full chapter.
*tsk, tsk, tsk* Oh Rainbow Dash, you only gonna make yourself look more like a fool for lying to your friends.
Anyway, it's short, but good chapter. The Mane Six and Mystic discussed about killing, Mystic having a brief flashback about a certain old friend, and Twilight preparing a visit from a certain visitor that I'm excited to see eventually!
Great job!
Thank you! I'm excited too!
Tings are only getting more interesting, I wonder when the EoH will find out about Mystic’s past.