• Member Since 16th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen March 17th

Snowflake Dissonance

Honestly, probably only here to read, and write, fanfiction about Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzlings. Also, canon is my clay and I shall shape it as I wish.

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Update on Past Scars · 7:31am Jan 11th, 2023

Man, it's been a while... Anyway, for anyone who has noticed that I'm updating the Dazzling Sunset series, I just wanted to let you know that Past Scars will be getting another new chapter between Changing Norm and Worth to help the story flow better and set up information for the rest of the story. It's taking a small bit of time because

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ABO-Verse · 5:59pm May 5th, 2017

I've been getting a few questions about ABO-verse (guessing it's not common in this fandom, that's my bad). ABO-verse is Alpha/Beta/Omega verse. It's portrayed differently depending on the person's perception of it, but mainly has to do with wolf pack roles. For my interpretation, Alphas are strongest, in leadership positions and keep everything in order. Betas are a bit more flexible, being the second-in-command to Alphas and sometimes likely to challenge the Alpha's authority. Omegas are the

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Report Snowflake Dissonance · 1,577 views · Story: A Packed Crowd ·

Changeling Theory · 7:45pm Jun 21st, 2017

I really need to stop thinking at any point passed midnight...

Alright, buckle in. I'm gonna turn this into a much cleaner 'Musing' segment later, but right now, I feel like typin' it up and pleading my own case. Strap in, it's about to suck. Like, big time.

Because Thorax just doomed his entire new species, whateverthefucktheyare, to death.

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Comments ( 75 )
  • Viewing 71 - 75 of 75

Thankie for adding One Sprout, Many Buds to your library. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the faves! ^.^

Thanks for adding my story to your library! :twilightsmile:

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