• Member Since 16th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen March 17th

Snowflake Dissonance

Honestly, probably only here to read, and write, fanfiction about Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzlings. Also, canon is my clay and I shall shape it as I wish.



This story is a sequel to Dazzling Sunset: Sunset Amulet

It's been two weeks since the Battle of the Bands and around a week since Sunset Shimmer saved the lives of the three Sirens. Now, Canterlot High is trying to push the trio to reform the same way they had Sunset Shimmer. Unfortunately, the Dazzlings aren't so easily broken as their savior.

Speaking of, Adagio and her sisters have been keeping an eye on Sunset, wanting to know why the jewel saved them. They find out more than they expected and immediately jump in to help the person who selflessly helped them.

Warning: Mention of self-harm

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 128 )

Security Alarm. Great name for an officer/security guard, but still a weird name.

I really enjoyed this! Didn't notice any obvious grammar errors, "human reactions" and Sunset is in this...

I'm loving this story so far! keep it up.

I mean, we have a protagonist named Twilight Sparkle. Can't get weirder than that.:rainbowlaugh:
*salutes* I do my best!

I'll admit, that'll be tough to beat. But I'm pretty sure someone out there can think if a much weirder name.

Hasbro already did. Fizzlepop Berrytwist.

His was beautifully written and really put me into the story of where I was angry at Rainbow Dash for a split second. Also I agree with you on the whole taking it to far, it sucks to be put I that position.

Wouldn’t it be Siren fins instead of pony parts?

I'm glad. Being skeptical of Sunset because they were unsure if her reformation was real would have made sense. It would have helped her to understand how to be nice to others as well as understand the signals other humans give off. When it's nothing but hostility, how is she supposed to know what she's doing is right?

That's explained a little later in this one. Sorry about the confusion. I'll try to get the next two chapters up asap so it can be cleared up!

When I saw the update... You. Made. My. Day.

This is part of a series, right? Shouldn't you link to the previous story?

I'm really glad! :twilightsmile: I hope your day continues to get better.

How do I do that?
Edit: Never mind! I found it. :twilightblush: Thanks for the heads up.

Make sense, Forgiveness is a bit weak on the series

Welp, I am enjoying it so far. But I must admit: I was hoping that at least Dagi would be interested in Sunset, but all three Sirens want to date her?!:pinkiegasp:

Now I am especially interested in this story.

how are they gonna handle the whole Anon-a miss thing or your going to 'fuck that' cause its been overdone? cause

Excellent chapter.

Awesome Story! :raritystarry:

And some amazing ideas on how the whole 'magic-in-the-human-world'- thing could work. It's the magic of friendship, so I get that their magic would have some influence on each other. I really like the idea of sub-elements, especially since they seem to be connected to more than one, um base-element? Like compassion is connected to forgiveness and kindness. Makes me wonder if there could be potentially more sub-elements.

Anyway, amazing read and I can't wait to see more of it!

Unless I'm missing something Rainbow jumps to cutting as an explanation before anyone actually mentions it.

Can honestly say I hadn't thought about the lack of forgiveness as an element. I can see how you could make a case for it falling in the purview of kindness or generosity, but it does seem like it should be one on its own.

I thought compurgation was a legal oath of some sorts. Either way I like the direction you have taken this.

I'm confused at the whole "beating Rainbow in a fight" thing like it's amazing RD would be handy in a fight. She's never shown any aptitude for combat skills.

Now, if it was AJ that Aria was fighting, a girl who is known for her strength, that'd be worthy of note.

“We… we saw one day. She tried to hide it, but we saw. We were trying to make her feel welcome, but… ‘no offense’ doesn’t really mean sorry.”

Sorry for what? They didn't say it in offensive way so there is no reason to be sorry. Also Sunset didn't feel remorse during the time when she was terrorising the school, so there is totaly no reason for selfhurting. She has too strong psyche .

Thank you for that point. That was me not being clear in the wording. Fluttershy said that Sunset took her guilt out on herself, but it was such a small line that it was easily missed. Sorry about that. I hope it flows better now.

That was mostly a vaguely written bit on my part, as it had nothing to do with pre-Fall Formal Sunset. It was alluding to the fact that Ssunset's friends kept pointing out how horrible she was, with only 'no offense' as a way to cover, but that's not 'sorry for hurting your feelings with something that clearly bothers you; I'll try to be more considerate'. They know she's beating herself up over it and the school is beating her up over it. They're supposed to be helping her move on and understand how to be better, but only Rarity and Fluttershy try to be polite about mentioning it and encourage her forward, and Rarity does a one-eighty after Awesome as I Wanna Be. 'No offense' doesn't mean 'sorry'.

Neither AJ nor Rainbow have shown aptitude for combat skills. Applejack uses her strength for farm work, which is mostly lifting, hefting, and transporting. Rainbow uses her strength for sports, her preference being soccer, in which she favors her speed. But in sports, you also have to work your upper body strength as well as your lower body, especially in a running sport where how much you move your arms either hinders or helps your speed and upper body movement is important for turning, blocking, and keeping balance. Rainbow favors her speed, but to be captain of "like every team at CHS", she needs to have an above average amount of muscle, too. And she's Rainbow, so I can imagine she's probably gotten into a small scuffle or two just between her teammates. AJ wouldn't be as quick to fight.

Yup! And, you know, there are other virtues inside of those other elements, too. Like, technically, generosity should be part of kindness, but it has its own element.

And that's why it's Dazzling Sunset.:raritywink:

Empathy encompasses kindness, generosity, and laughter, though. Friendship is inherently empathic, so I didn't want to outshine everything else, but in order to be a good friend, you definitely need to know how to properly forgive others for their mistakes.

You're absolutely right. I loved how you explained that, thank you

Holy balls, I think you're right... whoops...
I think there could be more sub-elements, definitely. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm working on the next installment, so hopefully it'll be up for consumption soon!
*deep breath*
Fuck. That. I just need to stay away from Anon-a-Miss for a while. It's not even touching this. Nope.

It's no problem! I had to think about it myself, to be honest. AJ is usually associated with strength, so I can totally understand the confusion. XD I'm really glad you enjoyed the story!

I do love it, a lot my friend

“And that Adagio chick was really gentle with her wrist,” Captain Planet added. “She didn’t hold her tight or anything.”

Now I have that damn song stuck in my head.

Reread it. It does flow better.

Empathy isn’t wholly required to have friends. You can get by with acknowledging each other’s views/beliefs while understanding that you will never fully empathize with each other. Perhaps you can make a case that it won’t be as true/deep a relationship under those circumstances, but it does work.

.....I'm interested.

Update soon please

This was great cant wait for more!

Working on getting a new laptop. Mine, uh... exploded... :twilightblush: Then I can type up the next story in the series.:twilightsmile:

Sounds like my first laptop.

It was on my bed when it happened. It caught fire while I was doing some assignments. I have to get a new one now. Next installment has to do with dating, and I don't want to screw that up by typing on a mobile keyboard.

Ah mine just fried the drives and quit working after day 1.

Wish mine had done that. I have everything backed up, but I hate mobile keyboards...

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