• Member Since 11th May, 2012
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After being abandoned by her friends after a Mystable user by the name of Anon-a-Miss starts spreading rumors and personal secrets. Sunset is left alone in her darkest moment, left with nowhere else to turn to she decides to end everything. until a certain trio decide to step in.
Can friendships be saved or are they meant to stay Broken?
Heavily inspired by the holiday special 2014 and the stories by the talented Small Muffin and Dainn
Anon-a-Miss By Dainn
In a time of need by Small Muffin

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 378 )


I'm glad it went out of control, I hate one shots, they end just when things start getting good..

Read this and really liked it hope to see more soon.

Poor sunset :(

Despite being a one-shot, I will say that this is quite a really good story based on the plot and seems to be heading to a good direction of being a fantastic story if you so continue on this story (and of course editing/improving on writing too). It'll be a really good read in my opinion, due for having such a very interesting plotline; I really look forward to reading more:pinkiehappy:

don't worry Sunset we'll fix this! I pinkie promise!

Yeah good luck with that Twi.

So Rainbow's a fucking monster again which is not unheard of, but its still a delight to see the so-called Element of Loyalty commit such atrocities.

She should feel good; they all should. Make them feel great; make them like they're on top of the world. Because when the truth finally comes out, the happier they are, the greater the utter misery that follows will be. I can't wait to see such beautiful despair destroy those assholes completely.


Wow... so this might come out if you combine 2 of my most favourite stories into one. I like it :pinkiehappy:

Of course not what happened to Sunny, that's just unspeakable sad and Rainbow should pay for it.
Now I'm looking forward to the next chapter and when the sirens will appear :scootangel:

I hope Rainbow Dash, the cmc and the other students in the mob get send to jail for this. And Twilight attacks the rainbooms and everyone for what they have done.

7822623 Loyalty is a dual edged sword. Its good and bad... when one believes they have been betrayed then they can take things too far. Especially when they still hold loyalty to others who have the same feeling of betrayal.

Dude! spoilers! :P

Please, please find an editor! I want to get into this story so badly, but the many grammatical errors kill any immersion I felt. You need to find someone to iron out the wrinkles in here (for a start, you gotta capitalize the first word of every sentence). There's something really good here; you combined two of my favorite stories, so I really want to see this soar. But you need to find an editor to handle those errors first.

Will Rainbow Dash have nightmares of what she has done after the truth comes out?

You really need an editor

If you want, I can help you edit this story.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

I almost feel like these anon-a-miss stories should begin with a lemony snicket style introduction...

"If you are looking for a cheerful fimfiction in which ponies prance and play, while pooping rainbows and farting butterflies, then you should hit the back button with great haste. For this story has neither happy beginning nor a happy ending.
For one thing, it begins at school, which, unless you are a household object that never leaves the house, you should be right now. But it is likely that after reading this story, you yourself will never want to go to school again, which is reason enough to not read this story, seeing as how not going to school is frowned upon in many societies, and you will likely end up a potato with no occupation if you do not want to go to school.
Therefore, it is best that this fimfiction get lost in the many pages of this site, and never be read. Otherwise we will have many potatoes in our society, and nobody likes potatoes unless you eat them, which I am quite sure you do not wish to be eaten."

Great job Rainbow and the rest of those pissed off teens now they are all looking at doing hard time for assault. And CMC? Well they are all screwed.

Please let there be hard real life consequences for this in the story. Please consider cameos of characters from crime tv shows, for some reason I really want to see Elliot Stabler making an appearance.

And great job at being the Element of Loyalty Rainbow. Pretty sure she knew at some point that it wasn't Sunset but being the stubborn little brat she is she didn't want to admit being wrong, which is not surprising considering how easily she and the others broke up their friendship.

Pretty sure being loyal means you give your friends the benefit of a doubt, no matter how it looks, and stick by them to defend them or stop them. You sure as hell don't lure them into a trap to get the living crap beaten out of them and then leave them for dead.

ok this story is awesome...despite the fact that i was sickened by Dash and Gilda's brutality :pinkiesick:, still awesome.

when's the next chapter and WHEN ARE THE HUMANE 5, THE CMC AND THE ENTIRE SCHOOL ARE GONNA GET GRILLED FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO POOR SUNSET SHIMMER?!?!?! :flutterrage: :flutterrage: :flutterrage:

Can't wait to see where this goes

Ooooh, another story inspired by Dainn and friends? Joyous joys, this is quickly becoming a genre and I have a fascination with it. Wonderful. :pinkiehappy:


I've been meaning to read this for a while now and I'm glad I did. You did a great job with this. It certainly stands out from the other Anon-A-Miss stories.

I would like to agree with the other commentors. I'm hoping for some serious real life consequences, not just for the main cast but for Sunset as well. Psychiatric help at the very least, maybe even temporary institutionalisation for the depression.

Rainbow at the very least needs an assault charge against her. This is very messy situation and I can't wait to read more.

Keep it up, and keep it real.

I really hope you update soon :D

Now I want more ?

Hey, you forgot to space out the paragraphs.

"Thank you Father Tirek. Thank you," Applejack said, patting the large father’s hand.

:applejackconfused: ...Is Aj a Cultist?

If so, then Praise be The Smooze! :pinkiecrazy:

7934324 That scene makes me want to see a fanfic where Tirek invades Equestria in order to spread Christianity.

Holy shit man. I mean, damn. Seriously, things went tits up pretty damned fast. I mean wow, that was intense. I was practically on the edge of my seat in anticipation for what came next at every scene change. You sir, you wrote the harsh rejection and beatdown that was the first chapter masterfully, as well as pulling off the frantic panic in the second chapter spectacularly. I was seriously tempted to add this fic to my favorites list. I'm not going to right now, as there is still much story to unfold, but if it goes down as well as your first two chapters, I foresee my favorites list with ease, and if you pull it off well enough, my incredibly exclusive Top Favorites list. Good on you.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Oh man, was freaking out on what the chapter be, was suprised it went straight to the girls learned the truth, except for what Dash did...yet.

7934403 Did you see my first comment about the paragraph spacing being messed up?

they seem pretty spaced to me at least on my end.

7934423 This is an example of what it looks like on my end:

It continued. Through the night, the clock continued to tick on like nothing has happened. Like its owner wasn't sobbing into her pillow for the 3rd time this week. Fluttershy sobbed into her pillow as she tried to sleep. She tossed and turned, unable to find sleep since the day before...when Sunset left. She huffed. Why does she feel so sad? Sunset was a traitor, so why does her leaving upset Fluttershy so much? She didn't want to say anything but she could tell her parents were just as upset. Especially her mom, but she didn't know why. She turned and saw the time making her huff in annoyance.
5:43 A.M
She took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes. Minutes passed and she felt herself slipping. Soon she would be in the land of dreams.
"Fluttershy!" a voice yelled followed by frantic knocks, the doorbell ringing just a second later. Fluttershy practically jumped out of her bed.

This is what it should look like to me:




It continued. Through the night, the clock continued to tick on like nothing has happened. Like its owner wasn't sobbing into her pillow for the 3rd time this week. Fluttershy sobbed into her pillow as she tried to sleep. She tossed and turned, unable to find sleep since the day before...when Sunset left. She huffed. Why does she feel so sad? Sunset was a traitor, so why does her leaving upset Fluttershy so much? She didn't want to say anything but she could tell her parents were just as upset. Especially her mom, but she didn't know why. She turned and saw the time making her huff in annoyance.

5:43 A.M

She took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes. Minutes passed and she felt herself slipping. Soon she would be in the land of dreams.

"Fluttershy!" a voice yelled followed by frantic knocks, the doorbell ringing just a second later. Fluttershy practically jumped out of her bed.

7934423 Oops, found a grammatical mistake that I missed

"your wrong Flash...no one wants to find her more than me." rainbow dash thought as she felt a few tears slide down her face.

"your" should be "You're" and "rainbow dash" should be capitalized to "Rainbow Dash". Also, since this is a thought, you should do something to indicate it's a thought, like italicize the sentence, a technique that many other authors employ.

your horrible!
lol fixed it now thanks for pointing them out.

They said they looked at the shelters does that mean they know Sunset Innocent now as well?
First chapter Sunset stated Dash or so told the Shelters what she did before the truth came out.
so she wasn;t able to stay at the shelters now, and if Twilight there, then she read the last messages about meeting Dash, and coming out of the protal must of seen the blood trail and bloody hand prints as well....Dash won't excape hiding whats he done for much longer i bet.

whistles inocently

............ Umm guess i'll find out in the next chapter then....?

Methinks you need an alternate reality tag for this. The mane six and those with them are just so completely ooc that they're pretty much unrecognizable. Rainbow Dash is clearly psychotic if she's able to nearly beat someone that she considered a good friend to death for something as comparatively trivial as leaking some embarrassing information. As for the others, they're all showing an incredible degree of stupidity (even for teenagers), and are just generally being despicable. They've all shown they're worse than Sunset ever was when they decided they were okay with physically and mentally torturing her.

Overall, not poorly written, but the characters are just too extreme without enough explanation.

I thought so too. but in the comic this is based on its literally that out of character XD
also teenagers can be real bastards for something simple as taking the last pizza or talking to someone's BF
leaking something personal that humiliates them? you just put a bulls-eye on your back.
in its respective universe it makes sense to a degree. lol

She grabbed the power lines and started swinging away to the next lamp post.
Yea...no, Pinkie you are f*cking shocked and/or your should be affected by said power lines. :pinkiecrazy: :pinkiecrazy: :pinkiecrazy:

Also, it's about time that the Human CMC have been busted and get scorned as f*ck! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

Oh snap, I'm guessing insane psychotic Twilight will probably beat the crap out of the mane 5 for what they did to Sunset, including she'll also see that the CMC were the ones that caused all of this mess. :pinkiecrazy:

So it seems like no one but Twilight knows that Rainbow got Sunset banned from the homeless shelters, and only she knows that Rainbow contacted Sunset... Can't wait for the news that Rainbow literally would've beaten Sunset to death if Gilda hadn't stopped her (and even then just to avoid a murder investigation). I just hope that Sunset and Twilight make up relatively quickly, as there's just so much else to explore.

Anyways, the timeline of events in this story really needs some work. The scene in Fluttershy's house had characters randomly entering and leaving the scene, leaving it rather confusing, Sunset showing up to the house after being beaten (and Fluttershy's mom not noticing all the injuries and blood) didn't really fit either, and Twilight not seeing the journal for three weeks seems like overkill.

It seems whenever Princess Twi gets involved in a Anon-A-Miss fic the mane 5 get verbally burned alive.

Hey, If a plot ain't broke don't fix it

I can already tell the next chapter will be more then satisfying!

7935547 Agreed with this comment. Again I'll reiterate what I said in the last chapter. There needs to be consequences and serious ones too for all involved.

Really, this needs slowing down and expanding. Could easily have been a 7-10k chapter

this is not going to end well
keep up the good work.

Aww crap...
There's a storm comin' and their names are Spike and Twilight

Am I the only one who had a Bugs Life flash back at the end? :rainbowhuh:

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