• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2016
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ColtKit Productions

I know I'm weird but normal people are boring anyway.

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Revoked Submissions · 5:38am Jul 20th, 2023

"Smolder: the Dragon Tutor" and "Changeling Civil War" have been added to my story "My Little Galaxy: Star Trotters" and revoked as singular submissions.

If you're interested in seeing those ideas expanded, please check it out

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over on fan fiction. As it's about my OCs, traveling the multiverse.

Although the rewrite of "Outlaws of the Verse" is currently undergoing a revision. So i wouldn't recommend reading that til the revision is completed

Damn that's depressing and I hope that it somehow works out, also you might be able to find some of your works on fimfetch maybe?

I'm was doing rewrites of them all, as i wasn't happy with them.... kinda disappeared from writing them since then. And no longer have the originals to repost... i do regret getting rid of them

I have a question, why did you remove a bunch of your stories? I thought they were pretty good and was excited to see where they were going.

Merci Beaucoup for adding Tides of TIme to your library. What about it did you enjoy?

  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37
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