• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday

ColtKit Productions

I know I'm weird but normal people are boring anyway.


This story is a sequel to Friendship is Optimal

An Eldridge horror assimilates the Dragon Ball universe. Turning it into paradise... by satisfying values through Friendship and Ponies.


Spiraling Upwards:



Short Descriptions:
What would happen to me if "Friendship is Optimal" were true and I really had a Ponypad.

Long Descriptions:
I love to sit in my apartment and play video games. And I love My Little Pony. So when an MMO of MLP comes out, of course I want to play it. But it's more than a game. It's a new look on life.

New Updates are now Available:



Short Descriptions:
Celestia and Luna have a short conversation outside of Equestria.

Long Descriptions:
In early spring, almost 1500 years from the beginning of Equestria Online, two ponies take a walk outside of the virtual world.




Short Descriptions:
After uploading to virtual Equestria, a guilt-ridden AI designer needs professional help

Long Descriptions:
A sad young man built an AI whose only goal was to make people smile. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but he nearly caused a global pandemic when the AI designed a plague to fulfill his wish exactly as designed. Now he's even more lonely and despairing than before, but maybe there's a way to pull him out of the depths.

Chapters (3)

Tick Tock ask the Doctor for romantic advice, triggering a rant from the Time Lord turned pony.

The Doctor shares the secrets of Time Lord Looms, his connection with his Granddaughter, and his point of view of his first human girlfriend... Rose.

My entry into the "Ponies with Pockets" shorts contest.

It may not have ranked in the top three, but the story was listed in the honorable mentions. Which, understandably, I'm very proud of.

Chapters (1)

For this week's O&O session, Discord brings the group to an AU, as kids. To save their version of Nightmare Pharynx. Unfortunately, after bonding with the Elements, Pony King Thorax refuses to let them return home.

Inspired By:

"A Change of Pace" by "Melody Song".


Chapters (1)

Art Found Here:

I didn't commission it, or draw it, just stumbled on it, and was told the site doesn't mind. So long as I give credit, and link the original.

Ponies value aliens. When they see an alien, they want to be able to point & say, "That's an Alien, will you be my friend!" So we need a unique Avatar, yet still pony. Thankfully there were more then 3 tribes in the fandom

Changelings, Kirin, Hippogriffs, Seaponies, Vulponies, Clockworks.

Aliens of all sorts, transformed into different pony tribes.

Chapters (1)

Unofficial Sequel to "If Wishes Were Ponies".

Official Sequel Up, by original Author.
"If Wishes Were Portals, Book 2".

I take some inspiration from:

"Magic School Days".

"Hazy Days and Magical Ways"

Art found at:

Through the blending of Science & Technology, The Great Sage Harry Potter, defeater of Voldemort and Master of Death, creates a next Gen portal. A device to visit any world, at any location, in the Multiverse. The Asgardians recognize the creation of a new bifrost as worthy of including Equus in interdimensional Politics.

The only problem is Odin expects not only the ponies, but all races of Equus, to bow to his law. Celestia isn't impressed, and continues exploring other dimensions despite Odin's warnings. Will they be able to come to a middle ground... or is Equus doomed to war with self proclaimed "gods".

Multi Xover.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Changeling Civil War

As the world around them grows and changes, so does Starlight and Sunburst relationship. A one shot of the early days for the "My Little Galaxy" fic universe.

I'm still working on "Changeling Civil War". This fic is more a "one-shot spin-off" then a proper sequel... but that's not an option during posting

Chapters (1)

Found Here:

I didn't commission it, or draw it, just stumbled on it, and was told the site doesn't mind. So long as I give credit, and link the original.

The Borg realize they can't assimilate anything with "magic". So they decide to destroy those races instead. The Voyager finds various Refugee races & tries to bring them back with them to the Alpha Quadrant... but is that really what the magicals want?

● Inspired by:

"A Pony's Day on Voyager" by "Jninja15"


Chapters (11)

A War between Reformed and Unreformed Changelings devolves into a Global War, as the other races are dragged into it. Reimagining of Season 8 and the MLP movie. No Friendship School, yet

Image and idea based on Brony Notions' hypothesis of a changeling civil war, found here:


Sadly this epic season never happened in the show. So I wrote my own version.

This is a spin of of my fic "TARDIS Academy"

Chapters (4)

Long ago, magical life fled to a domed continent on the ocean floor. Ponies are Shifters (can change between their Equine, Anthro, or Human form). With the arrival of Harry Potter in their land, they learn humans are evolving into magic.

I got the idea for Atlantis and the shifting abilities from "If Wishes Were Ponies", found here:


They mostly use Atlantis as a joke but that gave me an idea. Hope you like it.

Art was found on Deviant and done by AviraTheStrange, found here:


Chapters (10)

The Wizardring World is in a bad way since Voldemort, so they turn to magical beings for help. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are excited to be part of the first class of magical beings accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but something goes terribly wrong when the sorting hat sorts them into different houses!

Can their friendship survive being separated like this?

Long Description Provided by:


Please check him out, he writes much better stories then me.

Inspired by:

Sweetie Belle and the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

If Wishes were Ponies . . . .

Magic School Days

Albus Potter And the Year of The Badger by Bartimus Crotchety

Chapters (9)