• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
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Sweetie Belle is invited to attend Hogwarts in the Human World. Many an adventure awaits her, and will this earn her her cutie mark at long last? Only time will tell.

(Coverart by AnnonyMouse, aka. Me)

Oh my, Featured 10/7/2014. My first ever featured fic, thank you all ^_^

Artworks: (Contains Spoilers)

NON-canon ship pic (SFW):

Chapters (39)
Comments ( 818 )

This is awesome. Keep it up!

Good start, but I've got a question about the mirror opening spell: On one hand it requires all four princesses to cast it, on the other hand Twilight is going to teach SB and Rarity to cast the spell alone. I don't think they will be able to pull that off.

3806519 The spell that needed the 4 Princesses was the Unlocking spell. The opening spell is much simpler and is a totally different spell entirely.

3806564 Yeah, thought so. Would be strange otherwise .

Dont really know why, but I'm going to follow this story. Kinda like the way it's taking us.

I think it's more like the spell for unlocking the mirror's magic needs the highest magic from magic beings possible, but opening it doesn't require the same amount.

I'm actually quite enjoying this story so far, I would enjoy seeing more of the story done soon :raritywink:

Question is this story relevant to when Harry potter started or not

Great story so far :derpytongue2:

I'm very interested in how this plays out. I've seen HP/MLP crossovers done, but not one with this particular premise.

Faved and liked.

3814313 So far, all the one's I've read were, to be polite, sub-par. I love Harry Potter and FiM, so I wanted to try my hand at writing a crossover.

I also noticed that this is not only my first crossover, but it's also a PoE one at that. That in itself is going to make this a challenge, especially if I want to keep the feel of canon on both sides. I know I'll be making a few compromises for both, but I'll still try.

3812434 This is going to be after the novels, but also before any of Harry and Ginny's children are old enough to start school. They might enroll in later years, but will not be focused on. I've already created the characters I intend to use.

3809506 Correct. They are 2 different spells. The more powerful one needed the power of four Alicorns to unlock the mirror, which also broke it's power to transform those who pass through, and the easier to cast spell is to simply open the newly unlocked mirror, allowing passage through.

3806484 I fully intend to. I'll also be trying to get the rest of my currently published fics out of hiatus status and try to finish them.

3814478 If you want a well-done crossover, try Harry Leferts's The Wizard and the Lonely Princess. It's a very unique take, and an enjoyable read.

i dont think she should stay human while at hogwarts considering they seem to know about equestria, but meh im not writing the story so its the authors choice, just think it would be more interesting for her to be in pony form

I got an email about this updating, and checked my favorites list. It's moved up in the order, but there's no new chapter. What gives, AnnonyMouse?

Hi AnnonyMouse, just to say that I got a mail for update too and when following it, my newsfeed told me your chapter was locked and with 0 words.
Can't wait for the rest of SB tales.

3857637 3858083 Sorry, that was a serious :derpytongue2: on my behalf. I'd finished the chapter, cut it and pasted it here. but I seem to have closed it without saving and didn't notice till too late.

As a side effect, because I CUT it from the file... that means it was gone. When I realized this, I started rewriting the chapter from ground zero. I'm only human, and when this human doesn't have an ample supply of caffeine in her system, she makes some really entertaining mistakes.

Don't worry, should be finished early tomorrow. Bedtime for me now :twilightsmile:

3858124 Had you already overwritten what was on your 'clipboard' when you went to rewrite it? If not, you could always have pasted it again, both to the original document file and to here. If so, then you really did have to write again from the ground up.

3858329 That's the thing, I went to work on a piece of art I intend to use as a cover art for this fic... When I came back to check... well. you'd already seen the error and it was too late :applecry:.

No worries, I'm up now, just brewing my coffee, and will get back to typing like a mare possessed :twilightoops:

Hm... Pretty interesting start to the year.

Judging by the fact that McGonagall is Headmistress, I'm assuming this takes place after the Golden Trio's years.

Also, a note to the House Elves to cater to Sweetie Belle's tastes will be necessary.

3861041 Yea... the little lady here is gonna have to learn to understand that humans are omnivores and love the taste of murder... er, meat >_> :unsuresweetie:

yay! pony sweetie belle!

hurry up and update! i cant take such a cliffhanger long, and im glad u had sweetie belle as a pony for the school year, it wouldnt feel right with her as a human the entire time

by the way, dat cover pic, hnnnng

I'd have expected at least McGonagall to know about Equestria, seeing she's headmistress and all...

3872275 The goblins, being magical creatures, know. The House Elves might know as well. There is a lot of their lore that they've never told humans. :twilightoops:

Comment posted by Unbridled Dolly deleted Jan 31st, 2014

That's very interesting!
-Hey! My Harry Potter fan is awakening!
-Richtofen, really?
-Shut up, Discord.I love these books!
-Can you two shut up? Well, they said the thing. They like it.

Bar none the best Harry Potter/MLP crossover in the website! Do go on!

there arent enough thumbs up buttons to get what i think about this across

Oh this is adorable, no one's going to be able to resist hugging her are they? I know I couldn't. :heart: Gotta say that I'm curious as to how the other gryphindors will react to her, as well as how she will react to some of our HP worlds history.

3938535 on it's way :pinkiehappy:

Just waiting on the editor... :twilightangry2:

3938851 >.< need moar! editor hurry it up!!!!!!! i have been waiting soooooo looooooooong

this better be a long chapter coming up after all this wait, a looooooooooong chapter

Would you say she is so :pinkiegasp:nervicited:pinkiehappy:!

3938851 have you heard anything from your editor yet?

Oh and fantastic work. You actually got me fascinated about Potter related stuff. Hasn't happened since I finished with the novels a bit after the last one came out. I would say that's already an achievement. In my opinion this might end up being better than the novels if you keep up the good work. I'll be following this closely.

PS. :unsuresweetie: is damn cute in this.

3875786 nah, it's no Unicorn at Hogwarts, but it is a very good story nonetheless.

Hah! They can't resist the cute! ...I probably wouldn't be able to either. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Damnit! No promising updates for a week and as soon as I start proofing for someone they are everywhere!!:twilightangry2: Curse busy schedule.

like this story. It got Hogwarts and MLP :pinkiehappy:
Only thing that could make it better would be a guest appearance by Harry, Ron and Hermione. Maybe they are called to hogwarts to visit Sweetie Belle? They are highly respected figures of the magical world and it can make sense the people would want them to say good for Sweetie Belle, before they could feel 100 % sure.

4149344 I have no current intention of including the Golden Trio or their children. :applecry:

But there's always the possibility for someone to show up in later chapters :trollestia:

Glad to see this updated. And just three days after re-reading the previous chapters for the second time. Did you change your editor or just get a new one?

Anyway... Great work once again and interesting hypothesis on the language. And you even managed to write it in a believable way. Makes me curious on how you are going to take it further.

EDIT: The idea that the pony language itself is so steeped in magic that it works like a universal translator is going to make things a lot easier for Sweetie, and I actually like it. Never was one for conflict for conflicts sake.

AWESOME! This story has so much potential, it's insane.

4143052 what's with the thumbs down, It's just an opinion. Also, unicorn at hogwarts is a very good read. I will say this is better than A tale of 2 lunas which had a problem, with having a much more interesting story than the other. This is a good story, and the 2nd best harry potter crossover here. People need to understand opinion here.

Too damn cute. I'm glad to see you picking up the pace with these updates and without any drop in quality visible to my eyes at least.

I'd ask if that was a Nundu that chased Sweetie Belle, but their breath is toxic. What was that thing, anyway?

If you reread it you'll see it Mrs. Norris. But I'm wondering more about her lifespan :rainbowhuh:.

4156129 The books implied that wizard pets lived longer, though it was probably a replacement Norris. Unless someone fed her a youth potion no way the Ms. Norris that Harry battled would be pulling this off.

I love how quickly this is updating.

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