• Member Since 30th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I am not a writer myself but I am a critic of writing, now my own work might not be that good, but I am a very good judge of a good story


All my stories are canceled until further notice · 7:07am Oct 26th, 2017

I can't think of any way to write them so there all done, if I can think of ways to revive them I will but if not then they will stay dead

Report animorph11 · 293 views ·
Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22

Thank you so much for adding my very first story, The Farmer & The God, to your favorites. It means a lot to me, and I hope you will forgive my rookie mistakes. Haha. :rainbowlaugh:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thank you so much for also having added Valhalla to your favorites! I hope you continue to enjoy it as more chapters comes out. :ajsmug:

Thank you so very much for liking my story ^^

Hello, many thanks for the favourite!

Thanks for the favorite

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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